
Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Happy WOYWW this week and as we know our Leader in this adventure Julia isn't feeling the best these days so sending her happy thoughts her way that she's having a good day today.

So here's my space this week it has some happy mail from Judy she painted that card for me it's adorable those two bears, along with some lovely handmade objects that are stunning. In the middle I'm working on a pocket letter that eventually I will swap with once done to who?? not sure yet it's all over the place little steam punk roses butterflies It's random and so far I"m liking it  then the pictures to colour up some evil bunny and a zombie Santa that I want to colour up just won them so why not play with them
 As you can tell I've moved things around in my little boxes making things fit into a smaller space plus with the little giveaway I had last week it made enough room in my box for the chipboard. I swear my area is in a constant flux I should make some new little boxes up the ones I've been using are getting old and tired looking or at least new drawers for them they only last so long before they want to fall apart

here's the finished card from my desk last week Details Here
took a while but I got it the way I liked it sometimes me and flowers just don't mix very well I try to use them only to take them off and put them away again.

Have a wonderful day 
Hugs Nikki 
I'll pop around to as many people as I can 


  1. Hello there Nikki. It is very sweet of you to send happy mail to Julia to brighten up her day. Your new pocket letter you are making looks great and I can't wait to take a peek when it is done. Love the way you have colored your birthday card and good luck in making up new storage boxes for your stashed items. Have a fantastic Wednesday. Your little sis ~Anne L

  2. That card is adorablle!! Love the lace and hair coloure, great colouring!!
    Your PL looks amazing and santa scarry :D
    And as always a you are a kind soul, I'm glad that we mett even if that is only thru internet ...
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  3. A busy desk as usual. I think we are all hoping Julia will be better soon and it's kind of you to send her happy thoughts. Now about the bunny punch... it's not had much use here either but I am determined that it will this Easter so I will show you when my quirky plan takes place! So you will just have to wait and see LoL!
    Happy woyww, Angela x22

  4. Judy's card is lovely and your letter pocket is looking good. An interesting desk. I really love your pretty card. The lace flower looks beautiful. Barbxx

  5. Beautiful card Nikki, love your use of colour. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #19xxx

  6. A nice tidy, but busy desk. I love the card you´ve done and I spy the same bubble blowing girl framed on the wall. Very cute image.
    Have a fab week,

  7. Now I rather like the idea of doing a scary Santa although I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but then I'm a little odd & I like different things.
    The card is lovely as well . Happy woyww Jill #2

  8. Good morning, Nikki, thanks for your visit. Gorgeous coloring on that card. It's fun to see your desk with all the labels. Happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #42

  9. That card is awesome love her pink lipstick which matches her hair bow.Happy WOYWW, Vicky#9

  10. Good morning Nikki What a pretty card. I love lace and this is just girly girl. Good job reorgnizing. Seems to be an ongoing process LOL Creative Blessings! Kelly #53

  11. Hi Nikki. Lovely busy space there today. Do tell me - I think I'm probably losing the plot... - what on earth is a pocket letter? Several have mentioned them, and I suppose I don't see what they are about? Can you give me a clue?
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #16

  12. Beautiful card. Makes me want to go play with bubbles.
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #32

  13. Hey Nikki, now I feel like I should try a pocket letter - maybe we should swap :) I keep wanting to try, but I don't have anyone to swap it with, so it would be a bit wasted. I love your finished card and how nice is that bear card from Judy! Happy WOYWW Cx #51

  14. Fab colouring on your card, wish I could colour like that.
    Lovely organised desk as usual.
    Hugs and Thank You for visiting me earlier - Neet 18 xx

  15. Beautiful card - so cute!

    I love your evil bunny and evil santa pictures - they are certainly unique! I hope you'll show us when they are finished.

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #45

  16. Hi Nikki, Your work area is so organised. I love your pens.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #13

  17. That's a really pretty card! I love the lace and button details, so pretty 💕
    Hugs, LLJ 11 xx

  18. A very well organized space and you even have room for some teddies! Lovely card from Judy and pretty girly card by you! Thanks for visiting earlier! Have a happy week! zsuzsa #41

  19. I love the card you made with the pretty lace flower! I'm very curious to see the result of the cute evil bunny!
    Greetings, Sofie

  20. Lovely card.I use stamped flowers a lot, but am hopeless at adding them as a dimensional embellishment, they never seem right! Weird isn't it! I get what you're saying about the boxes, but if you commit to wood or plastic, your stuck with the choice and size and shape...stick to boxes!
    And thank you.

  21. Oh Nikki, I love your organized desk, and I love the way you have put labels on things so that we can see what you have stored where, what a brilliant idea. Maybe I should try that, if I can find out how, it might may it easy for me to find things.
    Love the card, especially the lace.
    Thanks for visiting my page and the nice comments.
    Chris #15

  22. That's a lovely card and I especially like your use of the lace - I love adding lace and buttons to things! It's really pretty. Thanks for stopping by mine earlier, have a good week,
    Diana #26

  23. To answer your comment: I have Windows 7, not 10. My computer chappie advised agains Windows 10. I myself had got mixed messages. Shaz Silverwolf is very pleased with it and doesn´t want to go back. So perhaps you ought to talk to her about it.
    Have a good week,

  24. A nice busy and productive desk, Nikki. It's terrible about Julia, isn't it, and I am sure that all our good wishes will help cheer her as she awaits her surgery. I know that all through last year, the support and encouragement of all my online friends helped no end.

    Thank you for your lovely comment - you should get your Perfect Pearls out again - they are so lovely, and so versatile too. I love them.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #31

  25. Your desk looks very creative. Love the finished card, just stunning. Cara x

  26. Hey there Nikki, thanks for the visit last week. I so understand what you mean about flux. I am always rearranging things.

    Happy Belated WOYWW
    Pat #61

  27. Hi Nikki, a very pink car,d well done, you'll love it if it's pink eh?.. And well done on thework on your desk, too I really love it.
    Thanks so much for sharing, sorry I'm late.., Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  28. Your desk is looking very busy. I love the card. Her hair looks so good. I am not good with coloring hair so I am always noticing how others do it.
    April #34


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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