
Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Happy WOYWW & may Julia be doing better too
Well last week we popped by Ikea and I said that really wanted one of those metal carts they aren't large but just what I was looking for and have wanted for a long time so that took a lot of stuff off of my desk once I got it all built and organized took about 2 hours to do it all. The DH walked in and said it looked great perhaps I should get a second one lol but I don't think I have enough stuff left to fill up a 2nd one seeing somethings are easier to get to  when they are left out. But my desk is looking neater and it's all been shifted again. But that's what happens when you get a new storage unit.maybe I will get a second one ??? Who knows maybe I will LOL
So here is my space this week
The little box shelves a made have all been recycled too.

Drawer unit from top to bottom
1. Double sided tapes, acrylic stamping blocks, Charms, Washi
2. Embossing powder
3. Ribbons fit all in one space so much easier to look at them all
4. Ink pads all of them together now
5. Glitter glue, glitter, flocking
6. Punches. Martha stewart and all my little ones

So that's my reason to yet again move around my desk and make it
even look more empty. Now if I got one more my shelves would become more of a display area then one filled with craft stash ??

The sewing machine will be going back into the closet to live but I was finally making a few curtains for our bedroom no more bed sheets on the windows ... 2 years later ... but finally done.

So here is my desk all labeled all up for you all to check out
what is what and where is that (click on image to read it better)

One of the Zombie Christmas Cards I'm working on I know it's super early but I really just wanted to colour up this fun image and I made it a window card just have to attach on a little tag and I'll show him off really soon :)
Thanks for popping 
hugs Nikki 


  1. Wow Nikki I just love the mini file cabinet you picked up....I so wished I didn't live 5 1/2 hours from ikea. Great to here that it has made your space easier to use with everything together. Your card is looking good too. Have a great week and I scrolled down on your other posts my DH laughed at captain underpants thought it looked so great and so did I. Have a great Wednesday. Hugs~Anne L

  2. I LOVE your vintage mini filing cabinet. It's the kind of piece I like to have in my art studio too. Happy Early WOYWW!

  3. Cute little filing cabinet.I only have a small space in my garage for paper crafting, but that's all I need too.If organised like yours is Nikki, you can do great things in that small space.The more storage you have the more gear you will collect- believe me!!( member of Hoarder's Anonymous).
    Judy x

  4. what a great drawer unit! it's hard for me to go to Ikea without a car; it's an awkward journey by bus or train! Happy WOYWW and thanks for always being the first to stop by! Helen #2

  5. nothing wrong with displaying your art. And you're wright some things just need to be withing hand reach. happy WOYWW, Vicky #9

  6. I love those drawers, I have some sets and find them so useful - they fit under my counter space. When you said "cart" I thought you meant something like the one I have by the side of my bed. Not a good look for the bedroom but it doesn't half sort my stuff out.
    Neet 12 xx

  7. A really well organised desk - love it!

  8. I love a bit of tidiness even if it doesn't last long
    Lynn 13 xx
    Happy Easter

  9. Making curtains??? You snuck that in quietly, didn't you? lol That's the one thing I've never attempted, so I'm impressed at your bravery :-D
    I like those drawers too - hide a multitude of sins, eh?!
    Hugs, LLJ 1 xx

  10. Hi Nikki, the drawers are great but when I saw them at the top of the post I thought they were really big so they came as quite a surprise and I agree you really should get another before they sell out. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 23

  11. Ah I thought you meant one of the trolley type things that I have :-) I also have something similar to those drawers - may be the same but mine are cream' I have to be able to tidy stuff away occasionally as I craft in my dining room - thankfully only used when we have a lot of visitors :-) I have curtains to turn up for a friend Anne x #24

  12. Hi Nikki, WHAT an organised desk, just makes me want to play! eheheh love the idea of zombie Christmas cards too :o) Have a great week! Annie C #25

  13. Hi Nikki, wonderful new storage looks soooo neat, well done indeed. I love the on desk storage at the back too, going to look for some storage for back of my desk too, but smaller variety, not large like that.
    Thanks so much for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x 8

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  14. The drawer unit fits perfectly beside your desk and I have to agree there are some craft things that you need on your desk. Have a lovely easter.
    sandra de @27

  15. Oh Nikki - you are sooooo organised! This looks brilliant, you'd fill another drawer in no time, I am sure! :D Happy WOYWW thanks for sharing. Lyns #21

  16. Love the little filling cabinet. I can really go crazy at IKEA! It's so much fun!!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #32

  17. I love your zombie card - so unique!

    Your desk looks lovely and neat and tidy. The only problem I find when I buy new storage is then I think I have more room and end up with more stuff! It's a never-ended cycle lol.

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #51

  18. Hi Nikki, I love IKEA's storage, I have a load of their white storage drawers of various sizes. Fabulously weird Christmas card!Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz#29 xxx

  19. Hey Nikki, Thanks for swinging by my blog today. I love all the reorg, isn't that half the fun of being a crafter? All the organising!! I love the Christmas card. That would make me hoot with laughter if I got it in the post - Zombie wishing me Merry Christmas = genius in my book. Cx #55

  20. VERY impressive, Nikki. Well done. Your room looks really good.
    Have a very special Easter. Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #35

  21. Hi Nikki. I've never been to an Ikea and am almost afraid to go! If you got another one you'd have room to fill up! Tee hee. Your desk looks great and very organized. Love the zombie so far. I've seen others starting their Christmas cards too.
    I hope you have a nice Easter.

  22. Really nice storage. Everything looks neat and tidy.

  23. It fits perfectly!! LOL the card is scarry :D
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  24. Great organisation, thanks for the visit BJ#69

  25. I love that little drawer cabinet. I haven't seen those at ikea but will look out for them next time I go. I bought one of those three tier trolleys. Actually when I bought it my husband said: why not buy two, so I did. And I might get another one. We live far from ikea so it is a once a year trip!
    Thanks for visiting,
    Have a lovely Easter weekend,

  26. Your desk is super clean and organised! Wish we had Ikea over here.
    Happy very belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #62

  27. I am in love with that mini filing cabinet! So petite but oh so useful. As to not being able to fill a second cart.. maybe hubby knows something you don't. Or looks at your room from a different point of view LOL Creative Blessings! Kelly #49

  28. Looks fab - those drawers look so useful. Take care Zo xx 43


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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