
Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Happy Woyww well it's that time again where we share our spaces and I've written up some details about the stash I bought last week on my desk in these two post


if you have time please read them and let me know what you think 

So here's my space
all labeled up for you all to peak around and the digi has been named too 
look closely and you can see her name on my board
Winners  from name that digi 
Neet and Lisca Lady Primula But I've just called here Lady Prim Rose which is a flower from the primula family :) 
 Some more new toys to play with Some fun stamps from WOW which I won LOVE them they are crying at me to rip them open and play with them so they might be on the 2nd set of ATC's maybe?
and my new water brushes and a few sakura gelly pens in BLACK I don't own any but they will be handy to have seeing I use the white on almost everything !!

that's my space this week 
hugs Nikki 
I'll pop around to as many as I can too 


  1. Hi Nikki! Your desk looks nice and organized, as usual!! I'm just jealous. Lady Prim Rose is very pretty.
    I hope you are doing well. I know it's been a long time since I've stopped by.
    Happy WOYWW,
    Kay (no # yet)

  2. Hi Nikki. Congrats on picking a name for your new digi and congrats to Neet and Lisca for winning. Your desk is alway so neat and love the storage you made for your pencil crayons. Those are lovely stamps you won and I love those water brushes they are trully great to use. Have a great week and chat soon.Hugs~Anne

  3. the new stamps look fun, look forward to seeing them in action! Helen #1 (thanks for visiting already)

  4. Stamping & cutting out a bit like my own desk today Nikki, Jill #7

  5. Such a neat space, love the pencil pots.. Happy WOYWW BJ#15

  6. I just adore your pots of pencils - they make me happy!! Well done Neet and Lisca for winning too - Lady Primrose is a great name, lol!!
    Thanks for the support today,
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  7. My goodness, Nikki. You have been one busy lady! I read the two posts - don't really do colouring and blending like that... I tend to use watercolour pencils, then add the water, and dip the pencil into water if I want something really vibrant... Love your tulip - it's amazing. Well done. Have fun with your new goodies.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  8. Your clear stamps are so well organized! I wish mine were too.
    I did get an idea also from looking at your stash: "premade die-cuts" box. ;)

    I wish you a great WOYWW day!
    Sussie nr 17

  9. So organised! Love all the colour pencils in their colour coded pots!! Happy to swap next week if you still want to, not sure if I answered your comment last time I was around... just call me disorganised.Happy WOYWW Cindy #36

  10. Hi Nikki! I left comments on your other posts! I originally started my blog to write these sorts of product reviews and comparisons, but I got sidetracked along the way and haven't done any for ages! I always read product reviews before I buy stuff! Busy desk but well organized! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #37

  11. Hi Nikki, well done on the WOW stamps win. They are producing some excellent stamps to go with the fab embossing powders now, aren't they? Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #2 xxx

  12. Nice and tidy work space! I checked out your colouring pencils post. They were pretty close to each other when blended but I could see the difference on the non-blended side. Prismacolour seemed a little nicer. I guess it depends what you want to spend. I have Prismacolour though it bothers me that they don't sell 'inbetween' sets. I have ended up with a lot of duplicates.

    Sorry for the rant! Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #46

  13. Hi Nikki, always appreciate the way you label your desk. You have the best selection of pencils I've ever seen. Your two review post were very interesting and helpful. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #41

  14. HI Nikki, I love your pencil pots!! REally makes me want to do some colouring-in! I checked out your other posts too, very interesting as I've been spending quite a bit on pencils and paints lately. I love Prismacolours and Inktense and have just got a huge Spectrum Noir pencil bargain, so I'm looking forward to trying them out. I am so grateful to people who take the time to do these reviews, so I can get an impartial opinion before splashing the cash! I think it's worth buying the best you can afford and it's defintely worth taking the time to blend them - I got a couple of prisma colourless blending pencils, have you tried those? Thanks for all the info :o) Annei C #27

  15. Oooh I love having a nosy at other peoples desks, all those pencils you have! Wow! The containers are very pretty! Lea #57

  16. Hi Nikki, lots to see today. Had a look at your pencil and paint posts, you just make them all look great! Hope you have a great woyww and happy crafty week too, Angela x 20

  17. Congrats on winning those lovely stamps. Ohhh those pretty coloured pencils... what a selection.
    sandra de @33

  18. Hi Nikki - what a good idea to label everything for us to look at. I love that collection of pens and pencils. Have a fabulous week, Chrysalis 58

  19. The picture of your pens and pencils in pots would make a fab blog header! Well, I think it would. Especially if you cropped the other bits out - just the pots and box of loveliness.
    Whoo Hoo - I won with Lady Prim (Rose) so pleased, it is akin to getting published.
    Sorry I am so late but just had to get jobs done around the home when we got back so yesterday went by in a blur and a flurry.
    Thanks for visiting me.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  20. Thank you for the comparisons. Thank you for the earlier visit. I appreciate it, especially since I posted so late! I was on holiday, and forgot it was Wednesday. I had saved my photos from my desk to my iPad, and posted from my iPad. Wasn't sure I could do that, but it worked! :) #62

  21. Lovely desk, Nikki, and I do love all the colours of those coloured pencils in their pots. It all looks very organised. A great collection of stamps, too. Thank you for your visit and your nice comment, and for your birthday wishes for my hubby. Yes, Phoebe certainly found a nice snug and warm place to hide while we were going spare, looking for her!!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #49


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget