
Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Happy WOYWW everyone!!!

Here's where the stained glass windows went  on to the garage now if it wasn't fancy before it really is now  This is just the picture from my window where I craft ... I know the garden is being worked on so it's a little dreadfully boring at the moment 
BTW this is HIS TOOL SHED I have nothing to do with it other then my Halloween and Stained Glass supplies are stored inside it. He know's where everything is and keeps it tidy himself :P

Well today my desk isn't that full of creativeness going on it does have some new stash my sister sent me I've started making pocket letters so she sent me some small extra stash she wasn't using and sent it along ... Now I will say this some of it was birthday presents my sister is HORRIBLE at waiting on me to open it she wants to know how much I like the stuff it was all fantastic  ... I could have waited but nope she was on the phone the whole time with me while I opened it up (she's always so excited about giving gifts that she could have blown up waiting lol)  then she asked me are you going to take a picture ... only for me to realize I've already started putting some of it away without even realizing it lol so a few things got put away but that's just how I am lol  ... That is Minion Hand wipes just for those who are Minion nuts  he's cute.

So here's the pull out shot of my desk with all my stash I did make a coffee gift card but that's about it
Now to Fit all that other Ribbon on my desk into this already Crammed packed little drawer!!
Mostly all taken off the rolls and re-rolled and tucked into little bags to keep them rolled 
I know It's a little insane but it works for me Really well this is the best way I've figured so far :)

Happy Crafting everyone and Have a wonderful week 
Also my Candy will be ending NEXT WEEK I lost track of the days last time so there is still time to enter ...
I have found one nugget of bad news Canada Post might get LOCKED out on July 2nd so I'm hoping they don't cause how will I send out Happy Birthday cards and Happy Mail UGG and the bills ah Whatever lol .  But will wait and see how that turns out maybe Uber will start delivering world wide mail too lol 

Hugs Nikki 


  1. Hi Nikki. Great goodies from your sister. Your desk looks nice and tidy, as usual. That's a lot of ribbon! I have most of mine in a huge glass container.

    I've seen some pocket cards and they look very interesting. Is there a possibility of a postal strike? Oh no. Need your mailing address please.

    Thanks for visiting my Alaska post. I've been in a funk and not posting or even visiting that much. I keep trying to get back in the groove....


  2. Hi Nikki. Great goodies from your sister. Your desk looks nice and tidy, as usual. That's a lot of ribbon! I have most of mine in a huge glass container.

    I've seen some pocket cards and they look very interesting. Is there a possibility of a postal strike? Oh no. Need your mailing address please.

    Thanks for visiting my Alaska post. I've been in a funk and not posting or even visiting that much. I keep trying to get back in the groove....


  3. I LOVE your husband's little shed.It is just like a little Doll's House.I'd be fighting him for that space!!
    Great SIS goodies.So nice you can be close to a sis. Your birthday is getting spread out over days and weeks.

  4. Wonderful goodies from your sister.

  5. great gift from your sister - (the bag you commented on is a gift to me for my birthday and I am waiting for Sunday to open it) love your stash of ribbons! your hubby's toolshed looks great! Helen, waiting for linky

  6. Your hubby's toolshed is amazing, possibly the prettiest I've seen!! What a lovely view from your window too, it's a wonder you get any crafting done at all!
    What a fab box of goodies from your sister, I bet she had a lot of fun getting all the bits and pieces ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ’–
    Hugs, LLJ xxx

  7. Hello Nikki The shed is trully stunning and I so love the added touch you DH made and how wonderful he is so organized also. Glad the parcel came before the Canada post goes on strike. Wow that is a super full draw of ribbon you own. Have a fabulous week and will chat soon Hugs always ~Anne #3

  8. Pocket letters - what a great idea!!!!! I am going to try a few of those. As for the shed. It looks terribly inviting. I think your hubby needs a new one & you should be crafting in that inspiring space. xoxoxox Donna #4

  9. Wow and WOW again! I didn't expect to see such a big box of goodies - no wonder your sister gets excited. Love the minions btw. Well, you should not be stuck for ribbon for anything now, there is a huge supply there and I hope you use it better than what I do (I have lots but rarely use any - bad crafter).
    Now for the view - love it! What a fabulous building, it cannot be called a shed as it is beautiful. I would want that for my crafting without a doubt.
    Thanks for visiting me
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  10. What a cute little shed! Love the stained glass (you showed us on a previous occasion).
    I've not done pocket letters yet as I have difficulty sourcing the plastic holders. But I like the idea. Great that your sister sent you so many little goodies! And your ribbon stash is impressive.
    Happy WOYWW and have a good week,
    Greetings from sunny Spain,

  11. Hi there. I love ribbon and it's not really stored so well - I need to get it sorted. How wonderful to have a sister who sends you craft stash- would love if my sisters were like that- not crafty:-) You are so tidy. Anne x #20

  12. Nice pix of view/desk/stash - all looks very organised

    Happy WOYWW


  13. Super gift and scrumptious ribbon drawer. Happy WOYWW BJ#24

  14. What a wonderful gift from your sister.. those hand wipes are toooo cute! Elaine no. 25

  15. Ooooh that shed is FAR too pretty to be a Man Shed! Love it! VEryimpressed with your ribbon drawer - puts me to shame!! :o) Annie C #28

  16. I love that little house in the back! I'd make that my space for sure. But you also have a wonderful view from where you are. Love your space! Glenda #32

  17. wonderful view and great ribbon drawer!

  18. That is an amazing tool shed, I think the windows are the best part :) I was admiring the lovely gifts on you desk when I realised that she sent the whole box.... wow. How lovely to have such a lovely sister.
    sandra de @18

  19. What a wonderful lot of goodies. I bet you'll have fun with them. I have to admit the Minions packet just popped out lol. I love all the ribbons. I have a box full but there never seems to be the one I need.

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #37

  20. Ok Nikki, lets just start off by saying SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN DENMARK!!!! Although I am happy for your hubby (extremely happy), I am sad for you!!! Thank is craft space my friend, not a tool shed!!! LOLOLOLOL I believe I would be playing cards, drawing sticks or tossing a coin for that space! :) Love all you wonderful stash and what a sweet sister you have!!! :) Blessings, Felicia #40

  21. Hi Nicki, What a lovely load of crafting stash your sister sent you. Loving your ribbons, but think you need a considerably bigger draw:) LOL

    That tool shed is fab and have to agree with Felicia, it would be a much better craft room. Just think you could sit out there and craft away not even realising it has gone dark:) LOL

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #8

    1. No power, no heat, no light inside it other then the day light... prefer my space lol he built it it's al his I just wanted to make stained glass windows for it that's all

  22. Hi Nikki, interesting box of goodies from your sister. I had to smile at the ribbon as I have a drawer just like that, plus a box hehehehe! Another late visit for me as we've been to the Lincolnshire agricultural show today. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 21

  23. That is the cutest tool shed I've seen, too fancy for a tool shed i say lol
    Bridget #9

  24. Oh wow, your sister really knows how to put a gift together and I'm glad I'm not the only one overflowing with ribbon....I don't even use very much, but it's irresistible.


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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