
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

WOYWW - Geek SERIES !!! lol

Happy WOYWW well here's my space this week and I'll be into the stainglass for a while I have to make 20 windows YEP 20 of them YIKES !!! that's a lot of paper cuts coming my way for sure we are redoing the windows in our sunroom and DH is starting on the frames that goodness he can make those It's going to look really nice and I will share pictures with you all I've just been trying to figure out a design but I need ##'s for sizes so I can work on the pattern of things etc I can draw rough images but I won't know if they will work till I get the size of each window to see if the design will fit or need to be tweaked. 

Now Check this out for those of  you overseas Canada Post has the GEEK series of stamps.Now if only they could make DR Who stamps lol that would be the BOMB 
or if we really wanna get geeky how about Red Dwarf stamps ... I love the BBC we use to get it for free on TV when we didn't have cable the few channels that we did get, had that on it.  

So have a Happy WED and I will pop around to as many people as I can
hugs Nikki 


  1. Clever of you to make those stained glass windows.Goodness- what a task. Your home will look gorgeous with all the little personal touches you are adding.

  2. Can't wait to see your stained glass windows Nikki! You're going to be so busy but it will definitely be worth it after the fabulous one you made for your hubby's man shed. I love Star Trek and Doctor Who (David Tennant was my favourite) but Red Dwarf passed me by somehow. Great your getting stamps with the Trek crew on them. Debra x

  3. Can imagine lots of peeps wanting sets of those stamps - fabulous! What great images.
    Well Nikki, you have a mammoth task ahead of you with the stained glass windows but boy oh boy is that room going to be something special. You are so clever and I am so envious of your talent.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  4. I love all those shows too! Great desk

    Happy WOYWW


  5. Those windows sound interesting. Love Sifi so you had me from the start. Peg #8

  6. You're a Red Dwarf fan?! I am too - in fact my whole family love nerdy geek TV. They've just finished shooting a brand new series over here, so watch out for that!
    I've always wanted to have a go at stained glass - 20 Windows sounds a bit daunting though. I'll look forward to seeing your design!
    Hugs, LLJ 3 xx

  7. 20 stained glass windows!!! Yikes!!! I'm looking forward to seeing more!
    MiSchra ♥

  8. Wow 20 windows - impressive! We are a bit nerdy here too. Have a great week . Soojay 13

  9. That's a lot of windows. look forward to seeing it all when finished. Anne x #16

  10. Goodness, your stained glass windows sound like a task and a half but will look amazing. You must share them with us. My Hubby would love those stamps, he's a trekkie through and through and watches the re runs every night, my daughter and I are long suffering, lol.
    Have a great week.
    Hugs Lisax #22

  11. Your windows sound lovely. Can't wait to see pictures!
    Glenda #23

  12. Stained glass windows? That's some skill to have. Looking forward to seeing the results. We're all fans of Star Trek/Star Wars/Dr Who etc here.

    Fiona #11

  13. Wow sounds amazing look forward to seeing the finished windows. Take care Zo xx 27

  14. Hi Nikki, I think we did actually have a series of Doctor Who commemorative stamps over here a while back, I'll look into it and send you a link if I find one. Love the idea of Red Dwarf stamps- did you ever get Blakes Seven, or Firefly?Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #24 xxx

  15. Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you! Good luck with this huge project! Love the geek stamps! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #28

  16. you are very brave to pick up such a huge project, can't wait to see the progress. Happy WOYWW Vicky #15

  17. WOW, 20??????????????? Phew, I'm getting tired just thinking of it! LOLOL What a wonderful thing! I love stained glass, but not sure if I would have to stress level for that kind of project! LOLOL good luck, I know it will be beautiful! :) Blessings, Felicia #37

  18. wow 20 windows? I could never finish that job - lol. good luck, will be anxious to see your progress. hugs, donna #40

  19. Stained glass windows! That is amazing! But, 20?? yikes. I can't wait to see. How did you learn such a thing? I have a spot over my kitchen door that I think would look wonderful in stained glass. Blessings, LisaDV #35

  20. Really looking forward to seeing the new windows, bet they will look great. Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela 14

  21. Hi Nikki,

    Wow - I can't wait to see the windows. I love stained glass and you did such a great job on the others you've shown us. Very cool. I have a potential buyer for my condo - she's checking on financing this and next week. I've found a place that I want (also in town) and I'd have a spare bedroom AND a craft room. How lucky could I get?!? I'm hoping it all comes together for me. I've been pre-occupied with another round of organizing and "hiding" things. This week one of my rods in my bedroom closet collapsed so need to get that fixed and go through my clothes. I've been thinking of doing that and the broken rod just brought it to the front of the list.


  22. You can make stained glass windows! WOW! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing those! Thanks for the visit and happy belated WOYWW!
    Carol N #30

  23. Can't wait to see your windows! Have a happy week!


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget