
Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Happy WOYWW everyone !!!
Well here's my space not much going on it at the moment you can spy a couple new digi's I've been working on Mini Monsters on my easel and I've got two done trying to make a few more to make a little collection. In the middle is a pocket letter I'm still playing around with above it is a card from Darnell for my birthday last week it arrived one day after. Not that the mail system around here is going to last much longer it seems umm we will wait and see how that goes. Now it's Friday the maybe cut off date do they not realize the more times they strike the less customers want to use them?  So will have to wait and see what other companies do to snag us to use them and if the cost makes sense to use them . So on the Right is my book filled with stickers and other add ons that are some what flat embellishments.
that's about it and I'll try to get around to all that comment on me even if it means Mon/Tues next week then I am SUPER LATE yet again 
hugs Nikki 


  1. Hello Nikki Can not wait til you add your new digi' s and your pocket letter is looking great. Have a wonderful Wednesday Hugs ~Anne L

  2. Good luck with your digis. Have a great week and thanks for visiting already. Helen #1

  3. I have to try a pocket letter sometime soon, it looks so great!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #10

  4. Hi Nikki, you sound a bit fed-up today. We are quite lucky here to have the Royal Mail though there are lots of private companies now who seem to be doing a good sometimes better job. Thanks for the visit to mine and have a good , crafty woyww, Angela x 15

  5. Good looking desk

    Happy WOYWW


  6. I'm glad Darnell's card got through to you before the craziness starts. It's going to be mayhem not having a postal system..sigh...
    I like your little monsters, hope you've been having fun :-)
    Hugs, LLJ xxx

  7. what a lovely desk,

    Lilian B #17

  8. I like how your pens and pencils are lined up all neat and tidy! Wishing you a lovely week! zsuzsa #20

  9. Hi Nikki, loving the shot of the desk, so many super things to look at. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  10. Your desk looks so clean for so many things going on. Happy Wednesday! LisaDV #28

  11. Good luck with the digis. From what I can see of them they look really cute. Your desk looks great - I look all the pics in the background.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #27

  12. Nikki, I LOVE your monsters, they are too cute! And for the record, I WANT ALL OF THOSE MARKERS!! That's one thing I don't have a lot of! Looks like you have an awesome stash and.....VERY organized! LOL Have a great rest of the week! Blessings, Felicia #36

  13. Nice and clean. Cute monsters!
    Have a great day!
    Diane #24

  14. I am sitting here having an Ah-Ha moment ( that you must be in Canada) I had heard the mail may strike there again this week but, never did here if it had happened or not yet. I love your desk and the easel :) ~Stacy #37

  15. Loving the faces and figures you have pinned up at the back of your desk. Also the new drawings on your easel.
    Gosh, you certainly have an array of pens and even more colouring stuff in your tins - which are beautifully decorated too.
    Thanks for visiting me earlier Nikki - have a good week.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xxx

  16. Sounds like the postal service has some issues. I hope it gets worked out. Such cute monsters. :-)
    April #32

  17. What a fun work space you have! So neat too! Sigh (with envy!) I wonder when I can clean up that well?!!! patsy

  18. great looking workspace. So neat and tidy! I am overwhelmed at the moment with the shear amount of things I have. I have quit buying but it seems to be multiplying anyway! I have been spending a lot of time outside this spring/summer so nothing is getting done in the house! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It has been a while since I have posted anything or participated in WOYWW! Kind a recluse of sorts. Vickie #43

  19. Happy Belated! Love your copic collection. I had time to post, but not make the rounds til now. donna #34


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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