
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

WOYWW + Windows + Giveaway

So Here is my space this week I'm starting another Pocket Letter up and these are fantastic I'm actually burning through all my Halloween papers which I've really been trying to use up all my open stock ,  as a personal mission of mine ... WHY do they make so many pretty papers. Oh yah so I can become a hoarder of papers lol and other goodies it's tough to stay limited but it does work (sometimes) I've just started getting into washi a little WOW ... I'm screwed if I start buying tons of that takes forever to go through a roll and I will use Washi for anything after I've owned it for a while.
So as Promised here is the Sun room Windows all done this gives you the feeling of it all it's Rustic, yet artistic seeing everyone know that we are very artsy fartsy  people the neighbor across the street wanted to hire us to re-do her front walk way and landscape her yard it's a nice compliment but alas we do this for ourselves. I`d be willing to help her a little in the planning stage cause that is always fun :)
Love the ceiling in here how the wood is leaking all the brown it looks so amazing to look at when your in there 

Leave another comment here for a 2nd entry in my giveaway 
it would be great if you follow along and if you could post a picture in your sidebar to share
with others winner pulled SEPT 6th 

hugs Nikki 


  1. Your windows are just amazing - congratulations!

  2. Wow! This is just stunning! Great job!
    Valerija xx

  3. Yoursun room looks so charming.The windows look extra good.You must be thrilled with the effect of these.

  4. Hello Nikki. The sun room looks amazing your DH has done a stunning job with all the finishing work and your windows just are beautiful. Glad to hear you are using up your paper stash and yes washi tape is so fun but now using it in planners seems to help some..... But my daughter and I have picked up a few more rolls. Have fun making your pocket letter and a fantastic week. Hugs~Anne L

  5. Well done on the finished windows - they look amazing! Helen #1

  6. Wow, Nikki, your windows look fantastic!! You and your hubby must be so pleased with them. I'm not surprised your neighbour wanted some of your fabulous work down at her house too.
    Have a great time making your pocket cards and using your washi tape. Debra x

  7. Gorgeous windows Nikki, you must be really pleased with them. I read what you said about hoarding papers. I am so bad because I see them and want them and then hardly used them so like you I am considering ways of including them in some of my art work. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 11

  8. Your desk and windows look brilliant, well impressive glasswork

    Happy WOYWW


  9. Your sunroom looks like a wonderful place, Nikki! Love that rustic feel!

  10. Hi Nikki, loving your windows! You are so right about paper- we buy this gorgeous stuff then can't bear to use it. The whole washi tapething has bypassed me I admit, it's not me at all. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #6xxx

  11. Even t'other half was called over and gave your windows a "Wow, Impressive". Nikki, the room is fabulous and I bet it is lovely when the sun shines through the windows and catches those red touches.
    Don't mention papers to e, I am still trying to get through a huge bag I bought a few years ago - and I ditched the ones I didn't like. Just found a pizza box with many more in that I love - reason they were hidden? - and now have a bigger dilemma in getting rid of them all.
    Hugs, Neet (thanks for the visit earlier) xxx

  12. How fun, thanks for sharing. I miss my sun room. Have had 2 wonderful ones over the years, but don't have anything close to that here. Your paper usage has affected almost all of us. That and fabric, I could never use all my paper if I lived to be 100. Enjoy your great space.

  13. The sunroom looks absolutely stunning... What an amazing job you have done.
    sandra de @22

  14. Happy WOYWW. Those windows are truly amazing. You must keep staring at them all the time. Lovely tidy desk. I have quite a bit of Halloween stash - and usually don't get to use it much (I just make a Halloween card for my younger niece and nephew), but planning to do some journalling this year. Ali x #25

  15. Bravo! Brilliant work - as I said last time, I am in awe of people who make stained glass windows! Dead envious... ;-)

    Morti @31

  16. Love your sunroom! THose windows are beautiful! I picked a good week to come back - giveaway yay!! Not sure I can remember how to put things in sidebar but I'll see... Happy woyww Cindy #27

  17. Those windows are so gorgeous!! Happy Wednesday. Sandy Leigh #33

  18. The light coming through those amazing windows must be totally awesome. WOW

    Yep, I get that, we have a neighbor that lives behind us that keeps asking me if we will come design their yard to look like ours. (rolling my eyes here) :) ~Stacy #37

  19. Hi Nikki, love your sun room. The windows and the decorative cornicing are beautiful. They make so many pretty patterned papers because they know I find them irresistible :) Have a great weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #38

  20. always a lot going on at Chez Nikki!
    robyn 40

  21. Hi Nikki. Great windows! I think everyone loves artsy fatty neighbors. They add so much fun to the hood. Helping with the planning stage sounds perfect.

    The deal on my condo fell apart Monday. I have someone come to look at my place Saturday. Still hoping.....


    PS. Have you gotten your package?

  22. Hi Nikki. Great windows! I think everyone loves artsy fatty neighbors. They add so much fun to the hood. Helping with the planning stage sounds perfect.

    The deal on my condo fell apart Monday. I have someone come to look at my place Saturday. Still hoping.....


    PS. Have you gotten your package?

  23. Absolutely love the sun room! What is Pocket Letters?
    Chris #23

  24. Love your sun room and those windows are awesome. What are pocket letters…I have a ton of paper that I could use. Have a great week. Vickie #45

  25. Great big windows! Makes it light and very cozy at the same time.
    Not sure it´s so good with a leaking ceiling though... ;-)

    I´d love to enter your halloween giveaway and will post on my sidebar.

    HAPPY WOYWW and rest of the week,
    SusanLotus nr 42.

    1. The ceiling isn't leaking but it's painted 100 year old wood that is bleeding through which is really kewl looking in real life

    2. Then I agree it´s a charming detail.
      Everything authentic and old is much worth in my opinion
      and the good old things preserved are often more beautiful as well.
      People often have such a rush to modernize.

      Have a great day! Maybe WOYWW today... ? ;-)

    3. PS! I don´t know what "KEWL" means and I didn´t find it in any dictionary so
      perhaps you can tell me. :-)


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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