
Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Happy WED everyone I really try to get around and visit you all but it's tough some times so I managed to knock off 4 windows off my list WHOO HOO now to slowly work on the rest there is so much to do before they even go into the frames and cleaning them TAKES what feels like forever but it will get done. So I'll share with you what I have done so far and Helen , I was working on the floor too so your not the only girl hanging out on the floor this week :)
One of the chemicals you use when cutting glass is kerosene and I try to never have a full jar seeing I've spilled it more times then I can count ... let's just say my room smells and don't light a match on my table at the moment
The two big windows
The two little ones 
The frame they will be going into
I think I'm going to miss how much the old windows 
use to open but I'm sure these will be just fine for air flow
and look 100 times better

So on to my desk this week well I am trying to sneak in a few quick cards just 
to add to my collection and keep it stocked up it's getting low but haven't really made any did print a few digi off but haven't even coloured them up. Plans best made just not followed through ... internet surfing and wandering around blogs looking at inspiration instead lol

thanks for stopping by
hugs Nikki 


  1. Your windows are going to look stunning Nikki!

  2. Oh, I can relate to the internet surfing and blog searching - add Pinterest and you have got my formula for losing track of time (or days).
    I always love looking at your desk, it is full of wonderful things and I love seeing your stained glass work. You amaze me how much you get done in a short space of time. Looking forward to seeing that window frame filled with your glorious work.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  3. wow, those windows are big!! what a fabulous project (ahem!) and look forward to seeing the results. Helen #4

  4. I'm sure your windows will be BRILLIANT when they're done ... in the meantime - VENTILATE!!!! Super tidy desk today

    Happy WOYWW


  5. Can't wait to see what you do with that window Nikki!
    Unfortunately I don't have much time to create this week. Nonetheless I wanted to hop on over to your workdesk this Wednesday. So glad I did!!
    Happy WOYWW ♥ LOL

  6. Morning Nikki. You are making your own stained glass windows??? I take my hat off to you! They are going to look amazing. Well done for even attempting anything like that.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #17

  7. Hi Nikki, the internet is definitely the biggest time thief ever! Love the windows, looking forward to seeing them finished- as I'm sure you are, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #7 xxx

  8. I also think the windows are slorping up all your time, but can't wait to see them all finished, kerosene it's the fuel of planes no? Happy WOYWW Vicky #15

  9. They will be great when they are done! Anne x #20

  10. Sheesh, this looks like a big project, Nikki in every sense of the word! Take care with those chemicals! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #21

  11. Wow those windows are going to be amazing. Promise I won't light a match while here! Thanks for sharing. Take care Zo xx 25

  12. You are amazingly talented to make those windows. Take extra care with those flammables, I am dangerous with a cup of tea!
    sandra de @28

  13. They are going to look superb when they're done.......
    I'm not allowed anything that is fumes/flammable as I'm bound to have an accident of some sort -too clumsy by far!
    Happy WOYWW
    Caz #27

  14. Those windows are going to look amazing in their new space. I feel for you. I've done my share of working on the floor but keeps getting more and more difficult to get back up LOL. Love working with One Sheet Wonders. I will be featuring those on my SU blog a couple times a month for those quick stash fillers. Creative Blessings! Kelly #38

  15. Congrats on finishing the four! WOW and what big project left to do! Can't wait to see the finished product!! I know all about best laid plans! Happy surfing and happy Wednesday! :) Felicia #34

  16. I cannot wait to see the finished windows - they look amazing so far. Have a wonderful Wednesday, donna #41

  17. I so can't wait to see these stained glass windows! What an amazing thing to work on! Lea #43

  18. Hi Nikki, how wonderful to be able to make those beautiful windows, I've never done anythign like that. They will look amazing when they're done :o) Annie C #47

  19. Nikki, Your Windows look AMAZING! I have great respect for anyone who can do stained glass... I managed to complete two little projects in mylife time and both times it made me cry! Grin... I cannot wait to see your completed installed window! Thanks for popping by today and for the LOVELY comment you left me! Scrapbook Lynne WOYWW#2

  20. Look forward to seeing them finished. Happy woyww, Angela x 12

  21. Looking amazing - cant wait to see them all :) Now I want to colour your window design lol

  22. I can't wait to see the end result of the Windows! You are brave to work with kerosene.. Dorlene #37

  23. Hi Nikki, Those windows are going to be fab. Looking forward to seeing them all finished.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #6

  24. These will be so amazing. Have a terrific week. LisaDV #23

  25. Everyone has peaks and troughs in crafting, don't worry about it. I'm loving what your'e doing with the windows, clever gal!
    Hugs, LLJ 8 xx


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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