
Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Here is my space this week and I'm still on window making but it's getting there and I did manage to make a few crafty things too. Been playing with Halloween stuff already to as you can see by the orange and black fonts :P
So here is one window set  all painted up and in it's place the DH is so happy with them and I mentioned to him someone called them art deco and he agreed I guess there are more art deco then I thought when I created this from a prairie style window lol 

Thanks for looking I'll try my best to get around to as many people as I can
sorry I've been a little crappy at it as I've been locked away making windows !!!
as you can see as quickly as I can 
hugs Nikki
I'll have some Halloween Candy next week too :)
for one lucky peep


  1. I like your scrap place Nikki!! :)

  2. the link is up now, Nikki. the window looks fabulous. it reminds us of art deco because of the shapes and patterns you've created with the joints (not sure of the correct term) but whatever, it is beautiful. Helen #2

  3. WOWIE what great looking windows!Great job.Sorry I don't know the Prairie style....

  4. Morning Nikki. That window looks stunning there in its place. Well done you. Glad hubby loves them so much too. It is an immense project - and you are well over halfway! Congratulations.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  5. The windows are AMAZING!! You are a very clever artist, that's for sure :-)
    HUgs, LLJ 3 xxx

  6. Your windows look fabulous

    Happy WOYWW


  7. Your windows are great,

    Happy WOYWDW Lilian B #16

  8. I had to smile at your scrap paper box - mine would only just fit on your desk (I do make large sketches). I think those windows are gorgeous as is the moulding above. Have a lovely week x Jackie 18

  9. I looove the card in your former blog post!
    So beautifully done.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Susan Lotus nr 20 WOYWW

  10. Hi Nikki, I love your windows! How beautiful they are. They do indeed have a feel of Art Deco. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #8. xxx

  11. Fabulous windows Nikki!! You're so talented!
    Happy WOYWW
    Caz #28

  12. Awesome! Love them. Well done .... you're over halfway now .... keep going .....
    Have a good week and take care
    aka Bishopsmate #40

  13. Hello, I am back after 50 weeks of real life getting in the way... I do love your windows and your desk always looks so tidy. Last time I was here, I think you were renovating and it was in the middle of the room! #31

  14. Looking good! Fab windows.. keep going!

  15. Love, love the window project you are working on...and.....the room it is in! Wow, just beautiful and will be even more when you are finished! Have a crafty rest of the week! Blessings, Felicia #42

  16. You carry on making the Windows girly, we aren't worried about your comments, just need your artistic presence. My word, I can't really find enough superlatives for the Windows, you must be so so pleased every time you look at them! Not surprised to see orange and black fonts, you do kinda like the old Halloween holiday huh!

  17. Wow, I am so pleased you have posted an update to the windows, they are amazing! Lea 49

  18. Your craft space is cool. I love the windows.
    Chris P #25

  19. Your windows look fabulous and all that hard work will definitely be worth while. Thank you for the lovely comment and pleased you liked my efforts. Happy woyww, Angela x 15

  20. Oh Nikki, those windows are just gorgeous. You must feel proud to know you have done them yourself.
    Love your desk, it looks very tidy with everything in tis place - and all neatly labelled for us.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  21. Happy Belated WOYWW. I am just so impressed with the windows. They are gorgeous! Clever you. Ali x #37

  22. Hi Nikki,

    The windows are absolutely beautiful! Congrats on how many you've done so far. I agree, they do have an art deco quality to them and that will never go out of style!


  23. If you added a few other colours, those windows would also be Mondrian in style..... :-D

  24. Wow! Really love the way you did the windows. You could do this professionally now. :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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