
Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Happy WOYWW well here's my space I was just colouring some images up for my DT and also on the right is a brick wall I'm thinking of making a tut on how to colour up. Next is how my skull is moving along he needs more colours added to him to make him more depth and more Gross lol

Next is how my skull is moving along he needs more colours added to him to make him more depth and more Gross lol he's a work in progress for sure

Lastly I got a little happy Mail for Judy now I was looking at the little faces she drew and was looking at all the details that I missed the important part of it .... IT spells my name well got a good chuckle out of that but these are some of my fave colours and it's so unique that it is now the only thing posted up on my board at the moment :)

Thanks for looking
hugs Nikki


  1. That skull's coming along a treat Nikki!
    I'm glad you liked your card! I had fun making it.
    Have a great rest of the week.
    Judy x

  2. Love the upper shelf in the first photograph - full of colour with all of your pens and pencils.
    Great skull, coming along nicely and I would be happy with him as he is now.
    Fab card from Judy - lucky you.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  3. what a fabulous card! such a clever idea. look forward to seeing the skull develop - looking good though! Helen #1

  4. nice neat desk. I am always envious cause mine never looks like that even after I sort it out! Skull is awesome. I think I am going to start my Sugar Skull tomorrow for Dia de los Muertes. We will be in California on the actual day but I enjoy Halloween and Dia de los Muertes a lot! Curious about the card. I do that a lot…forget the overall picture and hone in on the details! Have a great week. Vickie #2

  5. came back to answer your comment - it's a small private group on FB not a general one. it's "build a tag" and every week we're adding a layer to the tag.. no idea where it's going!

  6. Such a neat desk for a great project.... he seems to be very comfortable in his swaddling.
    sandra de @7

  7. Your skull is looking seriously spooky Nikki! I can't believe how tidy your desk is. Debra x

  8. That skull is seriously off the wall! I hope you're having fun making it :-D
    Hugs, LLJ 11 xx

  9. nice clean desk, lots and lots of pencils, in nicely decorated pots, should get a crack on mine.
    and such a truly happy mail, wonderful, I too was drawn by the faces and then later saw the letters :-) Happy WOYWW, Vicky #9

  10. wonderful card, by Judy that is for sure and totally agree on the skull and turban head! more fun ahead methinks! Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #14

  11. Happy WOYWW. That reminds me - I was going to look for a skull in our pound shops. Hopefully going into town later, so will look then. Fab card. Ali x #10

  12. Hi Nikki, awesome Happy Mail, and funny about finally spotting the spelling! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #6 xxx

  13. The Skull is coming along nicely and I do love that card too! How did you manage not to see your name immediately, LOL! Hope you have fun this week! zsuzsa #22

  14. The skull is looking great - look forward to seeing it finished. The card is terrific. I love the way she did your name.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #30

  15. Gr8n desk and makes

    Happy WOYWW


  16. You're right, it is alrady gross..chuckle, keep going! Love the sight of your pencils in pots in colour groups...really draws me t wanting to do colouring. I think the wall tut is a great idea.

  17. Can't wait to see how "gross" you get with that skull! :) I love the card, too cute! Happy Wednesday! :) Felicia #35

  18. I love how you have all your pencils like a rainbow above your table :) ~Stacy #34

  19. I just knew that skull would be looking even more Gross this week, just what I expected but knowing you it can get much worse yet Lol! Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 19

  20. Your desk is so neat...loving it! I am really impressed with the upcycled cans for pencils. Love the vibrant colors. And your skull is creepy cool!
    Chris #24

  21. Love the desk! I'm always working on several projects at once, it seems, so it's nice to see such variety in your crafting. That skull is going to be very creepy, I love it! Have a great week! Heather #40

  22. Hi Nikki, I love your well organised shelving. Also you Nikki sign. The skull does look rather menacing:)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #5

  23. Your skull looks fantastic already. I also like your gift. So cool that it spells your name. Have a great week. LisaDV #26

  24. Your desk is so neat and tidy. Love the colored pencils organized by color - it looks so pretty. Sorry for the late visit.
    April #25


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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