
Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Well it is that time of the week where we share our spaces and here's mine

All is right in my space still have to move the computer desk but meh !! my space is back in order lol

I have 20 Christmas cards all set to go off to Caring Hearts Card Drive for the elderly living in hospitals I made mostly the right size cards and botched it on 2 but I made them in June for this hop and forgot about them hoping for only one size so that takes my stock down on Christmas cards but it's for a good cause and I hope whoever gets them loves them :) If you can't read all that I've written all over my picture just click it larger :)
Halloween is over so I get a couple weeks off and then get the house set up for oh yah CHRISTMAS whoo hoo I love it all decorated this time of the year it's always so pretty to look at 

Happy WOYWW I'll try my best to get to everyone 
hugs Nikki 


  1. Oh yes's lovely to celebrate the different seasons and celebrations. Can;'t wait to see your Christmas cards.

  2. Hello Nikki. Well glad to hear that you finally have put your room back to the way it was and yes I am just as excited to decorate for Christmas as for this year I am going all out, minus the outside as it is cold and snowing. Can not wait to see what Christmas cards you are still going to make and I am sure anyone who gets one of your handmade card will love it. Have a wonderful day and chat soon. Hugs Always ~Anne

  3. I might (yeah right) try and clear a bit of space so I can decorate more for Christmas this year... great look at your desk today. Helen #2

  4. Morning Nikki, good to see you have your desk back, I love the way you label your desk, how do you do it?
    I agree, decorating for Christmas is fun, but I don't do it too early, mid December.
    Bless you for sharing

  5. Everywhere you go this time of year its so pretty with all the different colours of Christmas decorations,

    Your desk is so organised wish mine was,

    lilian B #16

  6. Like your labelling Nikki, I have to say I did it a few times and then got fed up but I guess so many of the gang have seen the same stuff at mine that they don't need a label Lol! I must stop being so boring! Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 19

  7. Bet your Halloween decorations were well appreciated! I love that you're donating so many cards, what a great lovely you are. I like the box too, and you're quite right, it does go well in your space. I'm intrigued by the sign for Christmas will share at some point in time for me to be jealous, won't you?!!

  8. Always wondered how you label like that? Great that you donate to charity. I do love the Christmas Decorations but don't start until December and then it begins with my Advent Star and progresses from there :-) I love, love. love Christmas. Anne x #20

  9. Thanks for sharing your space with us this week! I love your pile of cards to donate! I send some of mine to a nursing home in our area. It's always nice to give back a little! Glenda #21

  10. You have the tidiest space and it looks like you have a wonderful system for keeping it tidy.
    sandra de @26

  11. FAB desk, a sign for Christmas? Well done too, on the cards for charity

    Happy WOYWW

    No. 34

  12. Great cards for charity. What a lovely cause. Crafting for Christmas, I'm starting to do that but not sure I'm ready for decorating yet.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #38

  13. Great and tidy desk. Love that you labeled everything for us. Have a Wonderful Wednesday and terrific week. LisaDV #37

  14. That box does look fab in your space, even without some sprucing up, Happy WOYWW, Vicky #25

  15. Such a nice clean desk - ready for some creative activity! I love your huge box of markers with one lonely Copic! LOL! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #41

  16. I'm with Julia, I want to see the sign you're making! Soon..... oops, wrong blog. LOL... Helen is the Soon Lady this week.

    Have a lovely WOYWW

    Morti @30

  17. What a wonderful idea to make those cards for such a worthwhile cause. I might just have to make some myself for something similar. Thank you Nikki.
    Great desk, love how you name everything.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  18. So lovely of you to make Christmas cards for such a good cause, Nikki. So enjoyed snooping round your desk, especially as you very helpfully label everything ... helps an oldie like myself tons :) Hope you have a great week. Elizabeth x #35

  19. Such a tidy desk -love all your labels! And just one poor little copic pen in that big box! Thanks for your earlier visit, I am very late today but Happy WOYWW Cindy xx

  20. I would describe your desk as busy, but organized, and of course I want to see what's under that red square! Thanks for visiting earlier! Have fun! zsuzsa #31

  21. Nikki... Hope your HALLOWEEN was as wondrful as you hoped... and I hadn't even thougth about decorating for Christmas until I read your post! (Thanks For THAT! grin) Happy Belated WOYWW from Lynne in Creston, BC #47

  22. Bummer - on the bleeped image - did you do that just to torture all of us? Happy belated WOWW donna #49


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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