
Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Happy WOYWW well here is my space this week my sister sent me a parcel out last week and inside it was all these little letters so I can now write a proper kidnap letter lol once I organize all the letters and numbers it was to hard to find the letters when they where all together so now I'm putting them in the little groups will save so much time (I Hope!!) Christmas is getting in full swing around here we have the trees up and decorated and just have to do some finishing details plus still a few more places to decorate but it is coming along and I love it the lights won't be turned on till a little closer to Dec but it's getting there I want to make a bunch more Xmas cards up so I don't have to rush around at the end of it all work takes like 50 of them so then family and friends ... I so am not ready but I'll get there even if I have to make up sets of Christmas cards 

So here's my space and I'll try my best to get around I've been having a tough time getting back on there is so much going on that I try :)
Hugs Nikki 


  1. Hello Nikki. Glad you are enjoy the parcel I sent and I see you have almost everything put away minus a few little things left on your desk. Yes I so hear you with being so busy getting the house ready as we host Christmas dinner here and I am getting it all done hopefully only take me one more week to get it done. Then begins the baking all the goodies to enjoy and everyone here has there favorite one added to my list to get done. That is a lot of cards you are making and I am hoping to get ten done crossing my fingers. Have a great day and call you later. Hugs Always~Anne (no number hopped over early)

  2. Love the thoughts of you writing kidnap letters, lol.
    Gosh, you are early with your Christmas trees but you know what ... I think I might get DP to put ours up over the next couple of days, it never seems to be up long enough for all the effort it takes. Must get on with some cards though but I might actually buy some this year.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  3. hope your letter sorting helps you in the long run.. the desk looks good. I am way behind (still) on my cards.. Helen #1

  4. I love the idea of your trees being up. Over your way it must have been horrible with all the electioneering going on.A friend spoke to some Americans over here on hols and she said it was a horrendous bombardment! Let's hope now we can all think of happier things.Even we here in Australia got fed up with your politics.
    I have begun to decorate now our painting is complete( this stage of it at least).That ransom note comment made me smile!!
    have a happy week decorating!

  5. Trees up already? Goodness that's organised - bet it's "beginning to look a lot like Christmas"

    Happy WOYWW and Thanksgiving


  6. I guess it beats cutting letters out of newspaper, lol! Don't beat yourself up about not being able to do so much, life just gets in the way sometimes....
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xxxx

  7. I am determined to not think about Xmas until next week. Although it is lovely to get inspiration from other desks.
    sandra de @25

  8. Great idea to sort those letters! I have a job finding the correct letter stamps - sometimes I just resort to handwriting if if I can't be bothered. Hope you have a good week! zsuzsa #22

  9. Hi Nikki, great idea with the sorting, Christmas is fast approaching, I agree. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #9 xx

  10. Lol. Have fun making the 'kidnap' letter. Wow you're already decorated. Got to say that's a last minute thing here. The next month is going to be crazy. Have to get daughter moved from her apartment to here for a month and then move her 900 miles away! Grrrr. Not sure there is time for Christmas!

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #37

  11. We're still having the debate on putting out the Christmas Decs - is it worth all the hassle of Little Soldier - don't touch! like a long playing record lol - or should we just decorate 'out of reach' .....
    Pleased to know that you're organised .... enjoy your letters.
    Take care
    Christine #26

  12. Wow decorations etc up already, I haven't even thought about it yet. Here in Spain they begin with their outside decorations earlier each year, when I first came to live here we had a Feliz Navidad poster across the road now every other lamp post has lights on it. I still love Christmas here as it is not so commercialised. Happy Thanksgiving.

  13. Getting organized can be a true bummer, but in the long run it is better to sort things out. I do have a tremendous problem there. I like it messy!
    Happy WOYWW
    MiSchra #6

  14. I have lots of letters sorted on those little boxes, it does make thing easier, and I usually enjoy the "zen" of sorting them out! Thanks for Sharing! Lindart #41

  15. You are certainly getting organised for Christmas. I keep trying to make cards but continually get distracted. I must be thick but don't know what a kidnap letter is? Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 18

  16. Hello Nikki, I'm a bit late in visiting but grabbing the chance while I can. I like the box you are sorting the letters into - it's perfect! We don't have a single Christmas decoration out yet but that's because we have a simple rule - no Christmas decorations until after my birthday at the end of November. Instead I concentrate on making cards and shopping :) Have a wonderful weekend. Elizabeth x #35

  17. Happy Belated WOYWW. Hope you get those letters sorted out - it will be really useful to be able to grab what you need. Christmas decorations in our house don't get put up until as late as possible. I grew up doing them on Christmas Eve, and still cannot bring myself to get the tree out of the attic until fairly late in December - probably 18th December this year. It was earlier last year as we hosted a lunch in the first week of December, and I couldn't wait to get the space back in January. I am starting to wrap presents and write out cards (only making two for our granddaughters this year) though - and the cake was bought on Wednesday and safely stored away. Ali x #32

  18. Hi Nikki! Yummy desk , I Love all your coloring stuff and the organization! Those letter are really cool and don't forget to share the ransom note with us! Have a great week! Ginny M #17


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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