
Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Really Short and Sweet 
Happy WOYWW well here's my space today sewing machine is out making a fabric runner seeing we can't find a carpet we like that is 20 feet and wide enough for what we would like and of course a little colouring going on seeing I just want some all set up ready to go for some christmas makes I like having pre-coloured images all done . Digital images from  Limited Runs Stamps 
 That's the fabric off to the side love this colour :)
thanks for looking hugs Nikki 


  1. Nice fabric Nikki, and in your favourite colours!

  2. Hello Nikki. That is one long carpet and I do love all the carpets you have made for your houses. The fabric is stunning can not wait to see a picture of it all done. Love your digi's and great idea to have some ready to go. Have a great day and chat soon. Hugs Always ~Anne (hopping early no number)

  3. gorgeous fabric Nikki - good luck with that project!! Helen #2

  4. Do you mean you are making that runner 20 feet long? Wow, if so that project is one huge one - good luck with it. Adore the colours, all autumnal, my favourite season and therefore colours I like.
    Neet 4 xx

    1. Yep I'm making a 20 ft runner won't take too long once I have it all pinned up and set to sew

  5. You are such a talent! I love the fabric, glowing with warm'll look fab. Twenty feet...gracious that's big!

  6. Top tip: make sure you have three bobbins preloaded with thread so when you inevitably run out cos of the size of project, you don't have to stop to retread the bobbin, just plonk another one in!
    HUgs, LLJ 14 xxx

  7. Hi Nikki. Thanks for your visit. I love those little gingerbread houses as well - they will look cute with lights in them. A 20foot long runner...? Whatever are you making? I've been MIA recently so must be missing something important here.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  8. love the girl on your coloring page, Happy WOYWW, Vicky #9

  9. FAB desk and your colouring project's coming along a treat

    Happy WOYWW

    No. 35

  10. Short and sweet but interesting nevertheless. Happy WOYWW Elaine No. 37

  11. That sounds like quite the project! Hope we can see it in place once you finished. Nice images on your desk ready for Christmas projects.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #39

  12. We just must see the finished runner, sounds interesting. Nice images for your makes too, look forward to seeing the finished projects. Happy crafty woyww, Angela x 19

  13. Those coloured imagine will make
    great Christmas creations!

    Snowy WOYWW greeatings from a very white Sweden!

  14. And you can SEW too! Grin... I cannot even start a sewing machine and I am in awe of anyone who can... Please do share your completed project! Happy WOYWW from Lynne in Canada #45

  15. God for you for doing it yourself when you can'y find what you want! Looking forward to seeing the Christmas Cards you make with those images! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #47

  16. Mm, a 20' runner is seriously big runner, no wonder you have to make it, Nikki, love the material.
    Happy belated WOYWW! Thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x #1

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  17. Once again, it makes me feel better about myself when I see other people with lots of irons in lots of fires (different projects in different media). :) Have a great week! ~Heather~ WOYWW #51


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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