
Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Happy WOYWW well there are 12 days left to get your shopping all done I do have to hand deliver a few cards and  then I'm done just have to start next years cards lol  I've been joining in the Coffee Lovers Blog hop which is a lot of fun to do today is NATIONAL COCOA Day but I don't need a day or a reason to enjoy a hot cup of chocolate any day Hot or Cold I'll drink it. So On to my little messy (to me) desk 
Sewing machine still not used or put away ... One day I'll start sewing again
Just colouring in a bunch of pictures one I was trying distress in on and it's looking not to bad at all

Will try my best to get around to visit as many as I can 
and tomorrow we start going to the gym again it's been a while and I've missed it
also I have some Candy over Here if you want to try your luck  
Ends on the 16th

hugs Nikki


  1. Glad you added the messy to me bit, I don't see a mess!! but you are a very neat and tidy worker, we know that! have a great week, enjoy the gym. Helen #1

  2. Good on you getting back to the gym!! Great work getting all your cards done!

  3. You have a very tidy desk. I will also do some 2017 cards, I've the Christmas stash out and really not had time to be creative doing cards. It feels good to be ahead of the game for once. Enjoy a fun time at the gym and Merry, Merry

  4. I see a waterbrush - never really got properly to grips with mine! FAB desk

    Happy WOYWW


  5. Love your space Nikki and I'm starting to plan my next year cards, have some Christmas items put aside for them finally ordered s nativity Die, just have to wait till it comes.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x #7

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  6. Oh my - you are so organised - next years cards - I am still finishing some of this years lol - as for the gym - aaarrrggghhhhh Anne x #13 :-)

  7. Hi Nikki, wow, if thats untidy, mine is a total mess! lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  8. Recently dug out some old Christmas stamps and there are one or two I might just use for next year so watch my space - I might just get some done early like you plan to do.
    Your desk always looks good to me and it certainly isn't what i call messy.
    Have a lovely Christmas.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  9. Next year's Christmas cards???!!! Ack. I'm just glad to be done with these ones. I actually have my Christmas crafting done. I just have to finish my shopping (yikes!). The next few days my desk will be used for wrapping. Nope, haven't done that yet either.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #27

  10. Good morning Nikki. Well if thats a mess you should come for a visit and help me have a smaller mess. Lol it has been some time since we crafted together. Ok well next years cards you are far ahead of me as I am still behind on this year but very sad i only made one....... maybe I will get more done next year. Have a wonderful time at the gym. Hugs Always ~ Anne #9

  11. I think getting your hot chocolate fix before starting at the gym again is a jolly good idea! Chocolate is full of vitamins and stuff, so it's very healthy :-D. I've put my sewing machine away now too, don't think I need to make anything for anybody - hurray!
    Hugs, LLJ 11 xxx

  12. I agree with you about hot chocolate, and today is a perfect day for it! We have blustery snow outside, very cold wind, just calling out for hot chocolate! Your desk looks nice and neat today, I laugh when you talk about starting cards for 2017! I often have every intention of doing just that, then end up waiting 'till December to even start! Oh well, tradition! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #35

  13. Ah, you're getting into distress huh, bet you've got that technique mastered in a jiffy. Yep, hot or cold, chocolate to drink or eat, any time, any day.LOL. Also, no joking, I think I'm now in the mood to make Christmas cards after struggling so much, so I should make next year's!

    1. It's a work in progress for sure it's like watercolours but blotchy I find which I like little grunge art :)

  14. Nikki, I always love seeing that great stash of markers on your desk! I know you are doing some lovely cards with that stash! Have a Merry Christmas! Felicia, #38

  15. Hi Nikki,

    I received your card - beautiful as usual. Do you draw all your images? All your girls are so adorable!

    Have a wonderful Christmas!!!



Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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