
Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Happy WOYWW too 
Here is my space today someone was wanting ideas on how to store stickers/die cuts etc myself I keep them in a binder with pocket letter holders and just full sheet holders it works perfect for me
I have a few Christmas cards left so I'll have some for next year all set to go :)
Not really making to much do have one winter card hiding under the binder but it's not for anyone just yet just a progressive challenge I joined in 
May everyone have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and I'm going to hopefully visit as many people as I can 
Close up of how I store my stickers/die cuts etc 

Happy Holidays 
Hugs Nikki 


  1. Happy Holidays Nikki. Your storage looks great and I wish my stickers could fit in binders but I have far to many and they stand in two large drawer system I made from there. Your desk looks as always very tidy and glad you have a head start on next year cards. Have a great day and call you soon as I have a minute away from the oven with the last of the baking to do. Hugs Always Sis ~ Anne

  2. Happy Christmas Nikki! great storage solution. Helen #1

  3. Mm don't have that many stickers, Nikki, which is prob just as well. My bling I store in jewellery holder of small clear pockets so not dissimilar. Thanks for sharing your idea though!
    Blessings upon you as we remember Jesus' birthday and a healthy 2017.
    Happy WOYWW!!
    Shaz in Oz.x #3

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  4. Morning, lots going on today at your place

    Seasons Greetings and Happy WOYWW


  5. Hi Nikki - very organised - mine are dumped in boxes - one day I will get organised :-) Wishing you a peaceful and joyful Christmas Anne x #13 (at the moment :-) )

  6. Hi Nikki, had to smile, I've just discovered how great these pocket sheets are for storage- mine is for stamps!Sending wishes for a very Happy & Peaceful Christmas from us both, Many hugs, Shaz #7 xx

  7. Great storage! I need to be more organised. Perhaps that way I wouldn't lose everything. I can't find either one of my die picks. I usually keep them in mugs on my desk that hold pens and things but can I find them - nope!

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K#25

  8. Great way to store your sticker and die cuts! Mine are all thrown in a drawer in a jumble. No wonder I don't remember to use them! Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas! Lindart #28

  9. I also am determined to visit everyone this week if only to say ...
    Have a good Christmas, lots of hugs and laughter.
    Christine #29

  10. Thanks for visiting me today. Wishing you a happy Christmas and here's looking forward to a wonderful New Year full of fun and friendship.
    Annie x #12

  11. Just realised it's now Thursday here, should be going to bed now but been out all day and trying to catch up with some visits. You are the second person tonight that I have seen organising stuff, I am beginning to think you are all trying to tell me something Lol! Have fun and Merry Christmas, Angela xXx 14

  12. Hi Nikki, Great idea for your stickers and die cuts. I have mine in clear pockets with one for Flowers, one for Animals and so on.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #16

  13. Your desk is looking busy but well organized! Thanks for visiting Nikki - wishing you a very Merry Christmas as well! zsuzsa #20


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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