
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Happy WOYWW 8

OMG How could this sneak up so soon still thought there was more time 
I'm so far behind with joining in the last little while I didn't even make Blog buttons YIKES !!
HAPPY 8 Wonderful years to everyone I've met in blogland from Julia's is just FANTASTIC Peeps !!!
To Julia with her passion for peeking at others spaces here you go !!
So just Right Click and snag my lonely little button :)

I'll be happy to make up some ATC for those who want to swap me .... I'm printing stuff right now lol

Hugs Nikki 


  1. I need a new craft light - is the one you have recommended? I also would love to know what that book is you have on your desk - such a gorgeous cover :)
    I look at your well-organised colouring items, and then look down at my own plastic box stuffed with all sorts of pencils and pens, so much so that I can never find anything - maybe I should have a good sort out lol
    Bubbles #36

    1. The light us fantastic and shows true colours when working on something. The book is a box my sister covered with paper on year for me holdso mini flowers and some bling

  2. Hi Nikki. I would prefer to wait another day just to make sure there are no late stragglers, then if there are no other players, I will gladly send you my address.

    I would love to know what you are drinking. It looks like ice coffee to me. And through a straw, even. I only drink through straws because most cups, mugs, glasses are too heavy for my arthritic fingers to pick up.

    Sorry I'm late in visiting. I had a commitment today, so had to be away from the computer. Happy 8th Anniversary from # 1 and possibly your PIF recipient.

    1. Iced mocha coffee my goto drink in the summer or when I'm to lazy to make hot lol

  3. love the new button, so good to see your desk again! Helen #2

  4. Love the new button - I have snagged it. THANK YOU so much.
    I will send you my addy if you still have any cards left to swap.
    Have a good week
    Christine #22

  5. I love your pencil display. I have been working on something like that and mixing all the brands so that I can have all the colors together :) ~Stacy #42

  6. great looking desk and I love the organization! I have started searching out thrift stores looking for discarded lazy susan type items for pencils and paint brushes. Found a good one the other day that holds 5 glasses and all my paint brushes!
    Glad you liked the garden...we love playing in the dirt! Hope you have a great week. Thanks for stopping by and visiting my desk and garden earlier! Vickie #55

  7. Aw Nikki, great to see you, and please, no obligation at WOYWW, but have gratefully sniffles tour button already! There's an ATC on route to you, but don't get over excited, it's my first and very probably last attempt at brushos. Tooooo messy! Xxx

  8. Hi Nikki. Good to see you. Happy WOYWW 8th anniversary. Such a lovely organised space there. Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  9. Being behind comes to us all at one time or another, glad you made it in the end and thanks for the button and visiting me. BJ#19

  10. Thanks for the button! I will put it on my website! Your desk looks nice and busy! Happy 8th WOYWW anniversary! Lindart #51

  11. I feel like time is moving quick for me too. It's great to be busy! I'm going to grab your button and post on my blog. I love being a part of the WOYWW crew. Happy anniversary! Dorlene #49

  12. Hi Nikki, First of all thanks for the Anniversay button. I joined in year 4.

    Love how you have your pencils arranged in colours.

    Thanks fro stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #21

  13. Hi Nikki, thanks for popping over... and can so understand the creeping up on you, I missed your button and thought that's strange no NIkki button this year. Am on iPad not sue wit will play ok re snagging button but will have a go, ta.
    Love your desk and smiled that your book was a box in comments above.
    Bloggy hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 32

  14. Nope forgot blogger options are zero on adding picture from device. No idea why but it wants you take it from cloud storage. Drives me crazy... ah well flat strap all weekend will email it to myself so remember... hopefully get it on. ❤️😊

  15. Hi Nikki, lovely to see you back. I have an act for you as I kept your address from last year. I wish I could say I was organised more likely due to me just putting everything in a draw as I like to keep stamps and envelopes. Have a lovely week.
    sandra de @28

  16. Thanks for the button - will be back for it shortly.
    I always like to look at your desk, the whole thing is so beautiful and then there are the added craft things - wonderful!
    Happy 8th Anniversary - Hugs, Neet xx

  17. Wow, love your collection of coloured pencils - just my dream having all those beautiful shades sorted into colour categories.
    Happy WOYWW Anniversary and sorry I'm so late getting round - life is getting in the way of blogging I'm afraid!
    Diana #21

  18. Hi Nikki. I'm on catch-up it's just been a busy week but I'm here now. Happy woyww anniversary. Have a great weekend, Angela x17x

  19. Happy belated WOYWW anniversary. Love your collection of coloured pencils; so organised. That drink looks refreshing too! Sarah #27

  20. great button, enjoy the coloring, Happy very belated WOYWW, Vicky

  21. Nice button. Time flies when you're having fun - doesn't it?

  22. I didn't have acces to a computer last couple of days so I'm very, VERY late visiting desks and celebrating the 8th anniversary... anyway, here I am to admire your desk, I LOVE the colourful pencils and markers and how you arranged them... makes for an inspiring view! Thanks for visiting my blog last week, it's so nice to be part of this lovely group of crafters. Hooray, hooray and on to another year of 'desking' and crafting! Hug from Holland, Marit #29


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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