
Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Happy WOYWW Everyone

Here's my whole little space it's super tidy at the moment seeing I just finished a window and am about to start on a new one you can see the little piles of glass at the top of it I'm just putting my Atc's away that I recieved some from WOYWW and a few from the facebook group that swaps All over 
talk about getting addicted to looking at the moment. I'm just making not sending much of anything
usually just when we are in front of the tv I'm colouring in the light of the tv so it's dark lol it's an interesting thing to do  get some really interesting combo's for sure.
 The right in the folder are some I've been working on eventually to trade and there's a new digi I hope to make soon on the paper pad along with my newest atc's top 3 from the facebook group and the other two below 
left from Bishopmate and our lovely Julia with a suprise atc she sent me. 
 Close ups 

 close up of the little images on my wall someone asked about 
the mini bird Polaroids and an image that will one day make it on to a card from LOTV someone was kind enough to send me a whole bunch of stamped images which I still have to colour a few left 

thanks for popping by and I'll pop into as many spaces as I can and try my best to get to all that comment 
hugs Nikki 


  1. great atcs, both your own and the swaps. Helen #1

  2. I adore my ATC and you were so kind to make it especially for me. I also love the ones you are preparing for trade, as well as the ones you received. How awesome! Thanks again for my lovely ATC. Happy WOYWW from #5.

  3. Gorgeous ATCs. One of these days I'll have to move over from making tags to ATCs, but as I have at least 200 more to work my way through it may be some time. I love those Polaroid bird images. Sarah #8

  4. Ooh, I adore that cat face. Love all the others but that shouted "Meow" as soon as I saw the top bit of it before scrolling down.
    Lovely atc's - both given and made.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx (thanks for having called already)

  5. Love you mini birds. lovely ATC's also. Have a good week. ANickoana* #4

  6. Good looking desk and ATC's, love the "polaroid" versions

    Happy WOYWW


  7. All super makes. Happy WOYWW Anne x #19

  8. Looking forward to seeing your lovely window when finished. Great collection of images and ATC's
    sandra de @31

  9. Hi Nikki, lots of lovely ATC on your desk, and so many colourful images too. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  10. Hi nikki, great selection of fabulous ATC's .I love your little polariods what great colouring and look such the frame a die or hand cut ?? happy crafting andrea #27

  11. Sadly, I just don't have the patience to sit and colour... yet I do love creating things. Weird.
    Anyway, LOVE all your ATCs - and those little birds have made me smile :)

    Have a great Wednes-YAY!

    Bubbles #36

  12. Am excited for another window already! Creativity of your sort is very good for my eyes! love your colouring on the birds, you're a clever stick! As for colouring by the light of way Jose, couldn't even see the outlines!!!

  13. Received your lovely card this morning along with all the giftings - they were such a surprise and, after this last week, really lifted my spirit, thank you so much.
    Very impressed with your artworks, love the birdie ones.
    have a good week
    Christine - Bishopsmate #24

  14. Great ATCs! The little bird cards are wonderful! I know how colours can change in different light - I remember once buying a pants suit (70s!) that I thought was green, when I got home - it was beige- and I hated it!

  15. Great collection of ATCs. Sounds like you've been busy making Nikki. Wishing you a great week and a happy woyww, Angela x14x

  16. Great ATCs and coloring pieces. Love your bright area! Dorlene #42

  17. Lovely inviting desk full of crafty goodies... Love the ATC's beautiful collection.. you are a busy bee by the sound of things...enjoy! Have a fun filled week ahead... May#13

  18. busy desk! you do come up with interesting combos getting dressed by the light of the TV too! I walked out thinking a shirt was blue and put it with blue print leggings and turned out it was purple!...luckily there was enough purple in the leggings print I got away with it! I need to get busy and get a few things done! Have a great week. Vickie #43

  19. Fabulous post,
    Sorry for the delay in commenting, laptop trouble. It's died on me and I'm in a bit of a flap.
    On a positive note, my Dear Husband plans to buy a replacement for me.
    Katie #33


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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