
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

WOYWW + BD Candy

(and please add a  link to the candy and add the little banner to your sidebar)
Still One more Week to enter it's a Surprise Comment Here or on my other WOYWW post here
So here's my space this was a BD present from Sweet Kay !!! Love it except not sure I should leave the umbrellas lying about the DH said how kewl would these to make blow darts out of and the umbrellas pop open when they hit you . Sounds Funny but PAINFUL lol
I love the dragon fly necklace they are my fave insect so delicate they are :)
Thanks Kay
 Now Here is my space somewhat organized messy to me I'm working on the last group of windows and that is exciting to get them done for sure these will be for the front living room and lots of clear little colour.  I have to colour a bunch of things up for the DT and that's about all the time I'll have before I start creating the windows I'm sure there will Piles of glass everywhere when I start :)
sorry if I didn't get around to everyone last week I will  try to be better this week 
hugs Nikki


  1. That is a very neat and tidy desk compared to mine!!

  2. great gift from Kay, love those umbrellas! Have a good week Helen #1

  3. Oh great supplies and like your work space very tidy

  4. What a lovely collection of Birthday goodies from your friend Kay. Love the necklace, so beautiful. Your desk is miles tidier than mine! You know, I don't actually know what WOYWW stands for. I've been racking my brain but with no joy, please enlighten me :). Debra x

  5. Nikki, you can't be as bad as me, I was commenting last night for last week.
    Some lovely gifts there, do have a lovely birthday.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  6. Great presents, many happy returns. Your desk is very tidy!!!!! Anne x # 13 (at the moment :-) )

  7. I was determined to visit your desk this week!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Claire no.9

  8. OOh you're busy! Am excited about the windows, you must be having so much fun in the designing! I've missed a birthday - many happy returns, however late!

  9. Lovely birthday present - enjoy messing up that lovely tidy desk!
    Bernice #22

  10. great gift!
    enjoy it!
    I like your crafty space.
    mine is full of cats :D
    have a nice day

  11. Awesome gifts! Oh your desk is definitely tidier than mine. You also have everything neatly within reach, nice!

  12. There are so many dragonflies flitting around my garden pond - all colours and sizes... but the pretty little critters don't land and stay still long enough to snap a photo!
    Have a wonderful Wednes-YAY!
    Bubbles #7

  13. What a lovely lot of things you got from Kay, she's so kind! I hope you have fun playing with them. I look forward to seeing your last group of windows, the previous ones have been amazing :-D
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  14. Happy WOYWW #422 thanks for sharing xx Jan (31)

  15. Beautiful gifts from Kay.... Your desk looks so organised... Have a great week ahead... May#4

    1. Thanks I'd visit your blog but it keeps booting me to an advertisement page everytime I click on your name

  16. Hi Nikki lovely tidy desk wish I could say the same about mine! Have a great woyww and a happy crafty week, Angela x16x

  17. Your space looks great to me. :-)
    April #7

  18. Lovely crafty space and great gift.
    Have a nice day.
    Valerija xx

  19. Oops I am late to your desk and late to the Birthday Party! I hope you had a lovely time, and I ma looking forward to seeing this set of windows finished, the last ones were very beautiful... dxxx 21

  20. Wow what a lot of pens and pencils, and such a tidy desk. Have a good week Anickoana #3

  21. Nice tidy desk today! I look forward to seeing those windows up and the sun shining through! Thanks for sharing (sorry I'm late!) Lindart #37

  22. I am mega late even starting commenting this week. Oops. Had to come and say thank you for your comment at mine. I am VERY guilty of never actually having watched much Monty Python so had to YouTube the killer bunnies. OMG - sat here laughing so much! Am glad to have made you think of that, very chuffed!

    Carmen x #26

  23. Hi Nikki,

    Yay - glad your birthday present finally arrived! I'm glad you like the dragonfly necklace. I found the pendant at Hobby Lobby (loved it) and I ordered some of the organza necklaces from Amazon. That one was PERFECT!!

    Tell your hubby that you need a tropical drink for the umbrellas - then maybe he can use them as darts!!



Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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