
Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Happy Woyww Well here is my space this week just Thought I'd have some dramatic lighting this week lol So I've been doing a playing with watercolours to make an ATC will have to make a few more of these eyes when it's all done and said have a few requests for them all which is really sweet but they do take some time to create slowly adding up layers to give it a depth to it 
Still a work in progress as just have to blend some more add White and Eyelashes so a ways to go
Thanks for looking hugs Nikki


  1. wow, that eye is already so gorgeous! Helen #1

  2. Love the eye now are you going to put long black eyelashes on or short and curly??? This could determine the sex of the eye!!! Anickoana #4

  3. Loving the lighting! And the eye is wonderful - loving the colours you've used!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire, no. 7

  4. I think adding eyelashes will show the emotion in the eye more - possibly because the lashes frame the eye? It looks amazing though - the iris is so detailed - you certainly have the depth of colour you've worked hard for :)
    Have a fantastic day!

  5. Very impressive - and a wonderful idea - just thinking of showcasing the Oxides here. I love eyes and am drawn to them when I see an art book or even a glossy.
    Have a good week
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  6. Hi Nikki, your painting is stunning and I can't wait to see it all finished up, I love the colours. It's so striking! Thanks for sharing. Lyns xx #20

  7. Amazing eye, so detailed; you can tell that time and attention to detail go into every layer. happy WOYWW Sarah #23

  8. Hi Nikki, love the amazing amount of detail in the eye, can see why you've had so many requests! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX

  9. You take your time gal...these are mini works of art and frankly, I'm amazed that you'll give them away at all! I'm loving the tissue box cover too...clever you!

  10. Fantastic colours in that eye and love the dramatic spot lighting! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #26

  11. Love the eye page - and the lighting today. Thanks for sharing - Haze, #25 x

    1. Sorry, too much of a hurry - should have been Hazel xx

  12. Hi Nikki, I'm not a bit surprised it takes a wee while to create those lovely eyes. I wouldn't even know where to start. Spotted the tissue box cover despite the dramatic lighting - it's fabulous. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #28

  13. Love that "all seeing" eye! Great painting! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #33 (PS-the link takes you a page that says post does not exist - just click on "home", and it will go there)

  14. Nice color choices for your eye! I've actually never tried to tackle an eye in such detail in full color before. Even unfinished, yours looks great so far! Happy WOYWW!
    Rose #35

  15. Great space and thanks for sharing xx Jan (36)

  16. Great art work Nikki. I'm having to take my time getting round this week due to a bad head cold but I'll get there. Happy belated woyww, Angela x19x

  17. Wow! Love that eye - it is so realistic.
    April #26


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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