
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

WOYWW + Finished Window

Happy WOYWW 
The coffee is my Mocha Almond Coffee MMMMmmmm!!! 
So this week I'm going through my stash for my little sort seeing it drives me crazy when it gets to be messy (for me to deal with) I'm working on some Halloween creations and have to get my butt in gear for the "Fall Coffee Lovers Blog Hop" which starts on the 15th but I should have all my stuff done in time.
So here's my desk I just got my new Joy Clair Coffee stamps in the post today. Just putting them into my binder that is getting heavier !! Will have to sort through it and destash if I can.
Well I finally finished the last set of windows .. YAH!!! I would say just for now with my luck I'll come home to a few holes in the walls and a DH looking at me saying Honey I think a window needs to go there ... It has happened MORE THEN ONCE !!! lol
Outside View
Inside View
Thanks for looking 
hugs Nikki


  1. I love your finished windows! No wonder your hubby keeps knocking holes in walls! I hope the sight of my messy room didn't scare you - your idea of mess and mine are miles apart!! Have a good week Helen #1

  2. Oh Nikki those windows are amazeballs, and I love youre keeping the original features and the porch and ....well, all of it, they just look so great. I hope they make you smile every time you open the curtains for the rest of your days! I love the idea of The blog hop...please remind me next week!

  3. Those windows are incredible; such talent. I'm not surprised that your DH keeps finding places for more! I have a few Altenew and Tim Holtz coffee stamps, so I wouldn't mind a go at the blog hop if you let me know more! Happy WOYWW Sarah #18

  4. Hi Nikki, love your windows. So beautiful. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  5. Gorgeous window! Wow! It is amazing! Thanks for sharing it with us. #30

  6. Your windows are absolutely breathtaking!! I can certainly understand why hubby would want a few more! Have fun with your coffee blog hop - now I have a hankering for some flavoured coffee! Have a great week, thanks for sharing! Lindart #31

  7. Your windows are stunning...amazing work... so beautiful you are so gifted... Love them...Thank you so much for sharing... May #10

  8. Gorgeous windows. There are lots of old houses round where we live and I keep saying I should go round and take photographs of the windows before they all disappear. Happy woyww, Angela x14x

  9. windows are beautiful - so pretty! Thanks for sharing #24 Lyns x

  10. WOW Nikki those windows are amazing :) You have worked so hard. Beautiful work my friend

  11. Nikki, wow, your windows are stunning!! Funny, not funny, about hubby and the holes in the walls!! Hugs, Darnell


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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