
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

WOYWW and Need some Lovin to WIn !!


Here's my space today and I need your help again if you would be so kind as to go like my little Pastel this time over at Facebook Like it or Love it and of course I'll pick a random person to win this picture again . Last winner was Amanda Willard she left a like so the space scene went to her . This challenge is more about Water so I thought to check out a you tube video and this is what I came up with it's 6 by 4.5 inches so will mail it anywhere. This has been sealed over a couple times I was Getting chalk everywhere nothing says artist then it all over your hands and face lol.
(If I get a lot of Likes and Loves and manage to get in the top 3 I'll Be giving this away too)
So space got tided up a bit seeing the DH was saying it's looking really cluttered and your stuff hasn't been all put away for a while which was true. Art Supplies can collect quickly around us and then you tuck them all away and your amazed at all the spare space you have so I have 10 ATC's done for the swap so far Going to make a few more to send to Julia if I can too.
So I need Sarah Brennan and My Name is Cindy Snail Mail so I can post one out to you.
Elusionary60 at Hotmail. com

thanks for looking
hugs Nikki


  1. can't imagine what your OH would say here.... oh boy! your painting is fabulous, that's quite some swell the ship is sailing on! Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  2. Love the painting Nikki. I've emailed you my snail mail, so you will be able to let me know yours. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #14

  3. Love that painting - wow!
    I am still in the thinking stage for my ATCs ..... but well done you, not jealous at all ....much!
    Take care and have a good week
    Christine #18

  4. I cannot believe you might be giving that picture away - it is fabulous! Not an easy subject to capture and in pastels makes it a big fat WOW from me.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  5. Hi Nikki, I don't know if you still have my addy from previous swaps, but I think I need yours! Love that picture, such amazing detail. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxXx

  6. What a wonderful painting, you've got the sea just right! I really must get around to thinking about ATCs and not leave it to the last minute last I normally do :-D
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  7. What a marvellous piece of pastel art.. I have to agree there is nothing more that spells artist than having it leave it's own mark on us. Thank you for sharing WOYWW it's so tidy!!
    Creative wishes Tracey

  8. Well done on the tidy. Goodness knows what your hubby would think if he came here, it's usually a sea of Double sided tape backing everywhere and the library books... who am I kidding, even the non-library books are just stacked everywhere precariously.

    Have a lovely week
    Carmen x #23

  9. Happy WOYWDW Love the painting.

    Lilian B #13

  10. Loving the painting and I'd better get going soon with some ATCs. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x12x

  11. Beautiful picture, will go and 'like'. It's true, stuff just mounts up on the desk - and does always seem so much more space when you tidy up! If only I could do it as I went along! Have sent my snail mail. Happy (late) WOYWW Cindy #19 xx.

  12. Fabulous picture! Rough seas are especially challenging! Nice neat desk too! Lindart #29


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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