
Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Happy WOYWW well here's my space and this Pad of paper that I was lucky to have received was WAY BIGGER then I thought it is huge so many things I will be doing with this it's 19 inch by 24  almost as big as my little desk and some new watercolour pencils to play with too along with a 12 pack of pastels somewhere on my desk too 
For an artist to get some new pencils and papers sent to you it's a dream I tell you just amazing!!

You can see my little pastel is waiting to for the end of the month to see if it will find it's new 

 Close up of 2 of my new ATC's I have just got today in the mail LOVE THEM !!
they came all the way from Malaysia to add into my growing collection.

thanks for visiting and I managed to visit everyone that left a comment last week YAH!!! 
So I will do my best again this week and catch you all later time to play with some new toys 
hugs Nikki


  1. what a lovely big pad of paper and such gorgeous pencils.. enjoy - fab looking atcs too. Helen #2

  2. Happy WOYWW. I have a few of those massive pads - they live on top of one of the wardrobes that I have in my craft room. Loving the ATCs. Ali x #12

  3. Wow, Nikki, you would certainly get plenty of ATCs out of that pad lol. The ones you received from Malasia are stunning. Have a great week. Sarah #17

  4. Morning Nikki. Wow! That pad is enormous - have FUN!!! New pencils to go with it, too! The Malaysian ATCs are so different, lovely.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  5. Wow what can I say - it almost doesn't fit your desk! Enjoy!! Have a good Wednesday, Cindy #20

  6. Hi Nikki, love those ATC's. And that pad is huge, I agree. Great happy mail. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #8 XxX

  7. All that potential of new materials - I'm like that with a metre of fabric. Have fun getting colourful :-D
    Hugs LLJ 16 xxx

  8. Those are great. What beautiful artwork.
    April #23

  9. Now THAT’S a big pad! Wow, how generous of your benefactor. I deeply suspect you’ll get years of use from it! It does make the ATCs look pretty small doesnt it. In close up, they are so great, lots of detail. Stand by to receive a much less detailed one from me next month - there, that’s the disappointment waylaid!!

    1. I love your Atc cards its the thought and heart you put in them that counts

  10. That pad of paper is huge! I would definitely be cutting those sheets down to size! I have to smile at Julia's comment about the ATC's, mine will definitely be less detailed too. Those really are great, though. Have a good week!

    Suzanne #34

  11. Oh my that pad is monumental, i'm enjoying using A3 at the moment but not sure if I could go any larger. Not tried those watercolour pencils, I look forward to seeing and hearing what you think of them. Love those ATC's isn't it amazing when you receive something from so far away.
    Wishing you a super week and Thank you for sharing WOYWW.
    Creative Wishes Tracey #13

  12. I so love watercolour pencils and that looks like a great collection of colours. That is one whopper pad of paper! Have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x18x

  13. What a fab desk this morning, and what a mammoth pad you got - that is amazing - great play day now I should imagine.
    Hugs, & thanks for visiting mer, Neet 3

  14. That is a huge paper pad indeed! Hope you're having a fantastic day! xo Cheetarah #24

  15. Such a good day when you get new supplies to play with. Have fun with those. The ATC's are gorgeous.

    Thank you for coming to see me this week - sorry I'm so late, I'm in proper melt down panic as end of first year on my course looms and am nowhere near ready :)

    Carmen x #6


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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