
Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Happy Woyww Well the white paper in the middle will be my new art giveaway for the month once I finish it. It is taking long time to make but it's those tiny little details in it
The fish is one from my shop I'm sponsoring a challenge and working on it to get it ready of course it's an atc lol Seems I'm addicted to them at the moment.My little clip board that I doodle on in front of the telly it's just the right size for me
I have a lot on the go at the moment a few more reviews I'm working on a coffee hop coming up later this month and still redoing all my shop ...there are so many digital image to resize to make it all new so I will be so happy when I'm done with that. 

ATC's Swapped Angela, My name is Cindy, Sarah B. and Neet they have all been posted off to you all. Sending 6 to Julia to send in as extras for her swaps ( I know Jan and I think Delores are getting 1 for sure)
Edit  Mailed off two to on Sunday to Twiglet and Wipso.
Have 3 left to swap and one for who ever is below me on the list
If more want to swap I'm sure I can make a few extra they are jyst so much fun to see what everyone makes

That's all Hugs Nikki 
Will try my darnest to get around and visit you all that pop in 


  1. how organised of you! I haven't started mine yet. think there will only be one or two.. Have a great week. Helen #2

  2. Gosh, Nikki. I'm like Helen. I haven't started mine yet. I can't seem to come up with a good idea for a design this year. I look forward to seeing what you come up with this year. BTW, I don't call that lovely drawing a DOODLE. I call it fine art!

    Happy WOYWW from #3.

  3. Love that little fishy.. I know exactly what you mean regarding having a lot on the go, hoping to stop chasing my tail very soon. Thank you for sharing WOYWW.
    Creative wishes Tracey #5

  4. Hi Nikki, mine arrived safely ready to show off on my desk on the anniversary. I have completed the second layer on my batch and will be doing the final sections next week so they will be ready to post off. I have 3 more to make for another swap too, so plenty of ATC practice going on here too lol. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #20

  5. Aren’t you busy, crikey! I love that you call doodling what I call art! That little clipboard is so cute, you’re just tidy and neat by nature aren’t you! Love the fishy image, cute and beautiful colouring as usual.

  6. What a great WOYWW #466. Have a great week xx Jan 22

  7. Hi Nikki, would be happy to swap with you, if you have enough. If you do, we'll swap addys. Love what I see on the desk, and that clipboard is so perfect a size. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #9 XxX

  8. Such a cute fish ATC!! Have a splendid week! xo Cheetarah #28

  9. Must get my atc's done so I can get yours off to you - can't wait for mine to arrive now I know it is on its way.
    Love that fish - you are so clever.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  10. That's a very tidy desk Nikki and wish my stuff was half as organised! Love the fishy ATC, great colours.
    Fliss #26 x

  11. Hi Nikki you're always busy! but organised too, much better than me. I got your ATC this week, thank you so much. Loved the little extras too and I'm sure they will appear on a project soon. I have now completed my ATCs so will send it before the end of the week so it should get to you before the Anniversary week. Happy woyww, Angela x15x

  12. Hi Nikki, very tidy desk. I love your cute fish. Wow you are organised with your ATCs. I've not been here for 4 weeks, so just catching up, and not started ATCs yet, but will do so this week. Have a lovely week Heather x #11


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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