Well it seems I'm just making ATCs these days I have started a huge painting to create but so far I've painted the white bg and stopped seeing I have no idea what to paint not a clue lol
I thought I'd try and make some ACEO's and see if they might sell on Ebay ? Maybe I'm not sure if I'm ready to part with these yet but here is my space for this week
Here's what was on my space last week seeing I forgot to post this
I thought I'd try and make some ACEO's and see if they might sell on Ebay ? Maybe I'm not sure if I'm ready to part with these yet but here is my space for this week
So here they are up closer they are Ink and Watercolour
Think I should try my luck and see if anyone would buy them ?Here's what was on my space last week seeing I forgot to post this
So ATCs are so much easier you can paint anything small so at the moment Monsters in watercolour and will add in some ink after to add in smaller details
thanks for looking
hugs Nikki