
Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Here is my little corner late to share Sorry so late it's still Wed here 
As you can see My ATC Album is on the left and the finished WOYWW lonely #10 card all set to go to PearshapedChris but I need her address Hint hint 

Sorry I'm such rubbish on getting around these days really sneak by me quickly
that and I think I"m leaving comments on my notepad and NOPE nothing I'm typing
and getting nowhere 
so thanks for visiting 
hugs Nikki

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


I Know it's been forever it seems but I had to join into Woyww For the big 10 year celebration 
I'm still around just not been on my blog much been still creating stuff and mostly drawing out a lot of ATC cards to swap with online groups so it has been fun trading with other artists for sure my collection of WOYWW cards are in the little dark blue box up on the top shelf on my desk it has room for lots more so If you would like to trade with me I will make a few custom cards up for this special occasion

Here are a couple buttons for the celebration
Right Click and Save as 

Here is my little space
and a close up of the one I'm starting on for who ever I trade with 
Julia thanks for making this a wonderful journey of sneaking around and peeking
around at other's spaces 

Thank you for looking
Hugs Nikki

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Coffee card

The summer spring coffee hop is on so I thought to paint a little picture up for the challenge.  Using watercolours and twinkling H2O paints.

Thanks for looking 
Hugs Nikki