
Wednesday, May 22, 2019


I Know it's been forever it seems but I had to join into Woyww For the big 10 year celebration 
I'm still around just not been on my blog much been still creating stuff and mostly drawing out a lot of ATC cards to swap with online groups so it has been fun trading with other artists for sure my collection of WOYWW cards are in the little dark blue box up on the top shelf on my desk it has room for lots more so If you would like to trade with me I will make a few custom cards up for this special occasion

Here are a couple buttons for the celebration
Right Click and Save as 

Here is my little space
and a close up of the one I'm starting on for who ever I trade with 
Julia thanks for making this a wonderful journey of sneaking around and peeking
around at other's spaces 

Thank you for looking
Hugs Nikki


  1. We've missed you little workspace with everything needed to hand Nikki. Love the look at that Eye and super ATC's in the background. I used to love my ATC swap group but I don't do FB anymore.
    Wishing you a very Happy 10th WoywW and thanks for the buttons FABULOUS!! Tracey #9

  2. Glad you joined in this week - happy 10th anniversary! Thanks for the buttons - will pop one on my blog. xx Jo

  3. We miss you (and your windows updates!! ) so it's great to see you again for this happy WOYWW celebration. Helen #1

  4. It's nice to see you on the desks again and thank you for the badges!
    Happy 10th WOYWW
    Hugs LLJ 8 xx

  5. I was beginning to wonder about you, but I've been a bit off and on for awhile, too. LOVE the buttons, as usual.

    I am in love with your ATC. It is wonderful. I'm always in love with your beautiful art you make. Happy 10th from # 4.

  6. Thanks for the badges. So fun to come back for the 10 year celebration! Dorlene #39

  7. Happy 10th WOYWW to you! Loved seeing your workdesk on this very special day. Love Debbie #25 xXx

  8. Great to see you and thanks for the buttons too. I'm really late as I was forced to go out with friends today to drink coffee and eat scones.... I could hardly say no! but it has made me late getting round. Wishing you a lovely woyww and a happy creative week with hugs, Angela x19X

  9. Happy 10th WOYWW birthday Nikki, great to see you back for the anniversary. Sarah #3

  10. Great buttons you designed and some fab ATC designs too - I love the little blue house and umbrella one. Happy 10th anniversary,
    Diana x #22

  11. Hi Nikki, and thank you for the buttons! Great ATC's on your desk. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  12. Missed you - but lovely to see you dropping in for the birthday celebrations. Hope you are keeping well - good to see you are still drawing your wonderful atc's. That eye looks great - lucky swapper!
    Hugs, Neet 17 xx

  13. Happy Anniversary!
    Thank you for the button, I think I may go for the pink one!! lol
    Lovely to see your desk again, I understand about the blogging - creating debate. Creating wins everytime with me.
    have a good week
    Christine #40

  14. Love the work space and your ATCs. Great minds seem to have thought alike - I also made a button type thing! Happy 10th WOYWW anniversary. Caro x (#27).

  15. Now I'm pretty sure I left a mesage yesterday so trying again!! Love the buttons and, eye eye, is that the ATC for your swappee? 'Cos I think it may be me!! Let me know if you need an address.

  16. Oh I'm losing the plot LOL. I meant to say I need your address!! Obviously time for bed!!

  17. Hi Nikki,OOoh I love the eye :) Happy Anniversary! ~Stacy #35

  18. Hi Nikki, sorry for the late visit and Happy 10th WOYWW anniversary! Great to see you and thanks for the buttons. I'll grab one for mh blog. I like your workspace, everything to hand. Have a lovely week Heather x #30

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hi Nikki, You have been busy with the ATCs.

    Thanks for the badges. I have grabbed one.

    Thanks also for stopping by my blog.

    Happy 10th Anniversary WOYWW.

    Sue #10

  21. The Woyww-list is quite long in this anniversary-week and I want to visit everyone on it, so I am still making my round... sorry I am late. How sweet of you to desing these buttons! I love the look at your desk too, all those colours, are they markers? Love the sight of it! Have a nice day. Happy late-woyww-anniversary, hug from Holland. Marit #16

  22. Hi Niki, long time no see, indeed! Happy belated anniversary and thanks for the new badges! I hope you'll be around more! zsuzsa #26

  23. Hi Nikki - Sorry to be so late commenting, blogger wasn't playing for me!! Happy 10th anniversary! So good to see you today! We have missed you. Your little pile of ATCs look great - hope you have fun sending them out and swapping.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  24. Aw Nikki it’s good to see you. I see you on FB so I don’t feel I’ve missed out on seeing you! Thanks for the buttons, you didn’t need to at all, but I love them and will publish them properly in the coming week. Your desk is a impressive as ever, it I predict you might need a bigger ATC box must have hundreds by now!

  25. Hi Nikki! Sorry - didn't get round to this - brain feels like it's the size of a pea at the moment!! I am cat sitting this afternoon but will e-mail you later! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. Happy Anniversary, Nikki. First off, thank you so much for doing the button. Where would we be without your colorful creation to mark the occasion every year. I look forward to putting a new one on my blog each year! I have an extra ATC if you'd love to swap. just shoot me an email KellyH (at) artlover (dot) com. Creative Blessings! Kelly #33


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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