
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

WOYWW # 600

HAPPY 600 # Post Julia that is amazing !! 
It's been forever since I joined in WOYWW and I have not been a great blogger either but with the way the world has been and with lock downs and such (which SUCK) But anyway I've been Just drawing and doing watercolour painting like crazy. Even Started selling my artwork on Ebay Here to help out. Which is really exciting when people do buy my art and love it mainly I've been making ACEO cards and they have been doing really well not paying the bills but helping out with keeping me in art supplies

So here is is my little space honestly not much has changed over the year just little moves here and there. The Amazon Box is holding the left over Christmas Cards I made up.  I know I have bought some but in truth I just wanted the envelopes.  My ACEO/ATC cards Behind it all set to be made 
The two Huge cups of Tea ( Dirty Chai = Black tea and Espresso So delish) and my usual Mocha Coffee beside it. Since I started doing more Watercolours you can see my Swatches to remind me of what colours I'm looking for great for references for sure

So those are my one time print of my newest ACEO cards I have been addicted to Animals with scarves and winter hats it's all about Winter at the moment and you can see all my creations here on Facebook Gallery of my creations  

Thanks for visiting 
I will try to get around to you all 
hugs Nikki 


  1. It was so good to see your name on the list and your kind comment you left. I absolutely LOVE your ACEOs. Looks like you have an excellent rating on ebay, too. Loved that cat in the Santa hat on your desk. Happy 600 from #6.

  2. well hello stranger! good to see you here today for the 600th WOYWW Helen#1

  3. My goodness actual working space on a desk, that doesn't often occur in my room, I'm usually confined to about 6 sq inches!
    Lovely work is is too!
    Happy WOYWW 600 and Stay safe!
    Chrissie #12

  4. Lovely to see your desk for this special week, I love your ACEO's - your drawings are amazing and I'm not surprised you are selling them, I bet they are being snapped up.
    Happy 600th WOYWW,
    Diana xx #27

  5. Hi Nikki great to see you again and pleased to hear you're keeping busy. Wishing you a very happy belated 600th woywww, Angela x19x

  6. Happy 600th WOYWW Nikki, how lovely to see you on the desks again. I’m glad you’re ok and doing so well with your crafting. The thing that caught my eye were the watercolour swatches, they’re very pleasing - the sort of thing I know I should do but never get round to!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  7. Hi Nikki. Good to see you today, and happy 600th! I think I must have turned my computer off too early last night as I missed the last folks - sorry! You are SOooo busy - all that watercolouring. Well done you!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  8. Happy 600th WOYWW Nikki. Great paintings. Angela #42

  9. So nice to see your work again Nikki, you were one who's desk back then I remember always full of beautiful artwork. Wonderful to see you are still continuing to create beautiful things.. wishing you a very Happy 600th WoywW stay safe Hugs Tracey #8

  10. So good to see you back for week 600 Nikki. Love your cute characters. Glad the Etsy store is doing well. Stay safe and Happy 600th WOYWW. Sarah #5

  11. Hi Nikki...I was just typing to someone else about the girl with the axe...Maddison?
    Love the bear drawing and do I see a gnome on your shelf? all great fun!!
    Happy late WOYWW!? Have a great crafting week, stay safe (Lyn)) #18


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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