
Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Happy Wed Everyone

Well the front door saga continues on for me last week I was saying how I was hoping to see how the blue would look with the black around the edges that was until I found out I used the WRONG !!! wrong Primer I used inside paint then painted over with exterior paint lets just say the door had to be heat gunned again OMG!! RIGHT !!! and then re-sanded then painted all over again well the DH took the heat gun to the blue and removed it all let's just say I read the top of the can, I didn't realize that there where two of the same colour and opps plus he got what he wanted NO more Blue
The door had to be brought back to it's basic wood (Stripped all paint off) and the trim around it and it NO LONGER looks like the same door now it's like something you see in a magazine for sure I think I'll post this on Houzz afterwords just to see how people like it (and Inflate his ego even more LOL). Well we went out of our comfort Zone with the DOOR Colour and it so works still needs a few finishing touches like handles and the knocker but it's looking sweet ... I AM SO LOVIN IT !!!

So alright on to my desk for the week ... stained glass supplies have been put away for now and on to crafting and creating so here's my space YEP look away if you don't wanna see Christmas lol
 and the far away shot
Lastly and a quick note my BLING box wouldn't close right so  I have some to giveaway I will send it anywhere in the world it fits in a letter I'll draw the winner next WOYWW and ship it off then
Here 's what you can win I'd love if you could follow my blog I'm almost up to 350 thanks to all that already follow too but you don't have to win the prize below !!!

and boy was I a chatter box this week
hugs Nikki 


  1. Nikki, I love bling and I like Christmas cards. I work on them throughout the year. I like what you are working on. I already follow your blog. Edwina Brown

  2. no, no no.... but it's coming anyway! Love the door, what a gorgeous bright colour - but what a pain to have to re-do it! Thanks for visiting. Helen 2

  3. o my goodness i love your door! it looks fab in that yellow!
    have a great week
    happy woyww
    Charlie :) #6

  4. Awesome door colour...bold and funky! I bet it makes you smile everytime you walk up to it :-)
    But Christmas?? Aaaarrrggghhh, run away...........

    Hugs, LLJ 11 xx

  5. I love the colour you finally decided on for your door. It looks great. Have fun doing Christmas. That little bear peeking out looks cute.Barb#27

  6. the door color is very nice
    nice desk
    your bling are cute.
    have a nice day

  7. Hi Nikki, love how your door looks, but isn't it aggravating when you realise what's gone wrong is due to lack of reading instructions? lol. Story of my life!Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  8. I tried to find a previous blog about the front door, but couldn't find anything. Probably not looking far enough back. I can see you have the stain glass windows in the side panels. Very nice. What a palaver about the door. Glad it's all done now. Not sure about the color though. But everyone's taste is different...
    Have a good week,

  9. Oh dear. I read your opening remarks re the door and the paint saga with dread. Read and re-read in case I was missing something. How annoying. Bet you were tearing your hair out. But all has come good in the end and I love your bright yellow door. Looks fab! A happy sunny homecoming each time you come back to your house. Yellow brightens every day up - sunny and bright!
    You have done so much work on your home, you must be ecstatic about it all.
    Hugs, Neet xx 15

  10. I liked the blue door and it would have been interesting to see how it would have looked with the black trim. lol Love candy!

  11. Your newly painted door looks amazing! Fun to see your desk too! I see that tree digi and I remember the gorgeous card you made with it last year. I think another gorgeous card is coming! Those other little characters are so cute! Thanks for the candy - count me in! I'm already a follower.

  12. Your door looks fabulous! I love how it pops. Thanks for the chance to win some candy too...I love bling. Hugs, Robin

  13. What an ordeal! All of that just gives you so much experience for your next project. I do so LOVE that yellow against the black. It's stunning. Thanks for offering the bling. Hope you have a great day, Rebecca

  14. Wow, that is quite a difference! The door is so bright! Nice busy desk also!
    Gabriele 20

  15. Hi Nikki, thanks for popping in and leaving a comment on my blog post! I can see I'm not the only one doing DIY painting. What a bold colour statement with your front door! The postman will not miss it for sure. Just put "yellow door" as your address, LOL! I've just come accross the lovely giveaway you sent me a while back (as I was packing up my stuff) and made sure to put your cute card somewhere safe! You're so kind and generous - an inspiration to us all. Have a great week! I hope to be back next week again, if I still have access to broadband. zsuzsa xx

  16. Wow, your door is stunning, the end result is definitely worth all that effort. I think we have all done something similar :(
    Sandra de @39

  17. The door is amazing, love it. I have joined your followers. Don't know how people get so many followers, mine has been very slow to grow, maybe I'm not doing the right things.
    Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 28

  18. Oh my word! What an epic journey to get your door done! I would have quite lost the plot if I had done that! Your desk as always looks so organized. 18

  19. I also love Christmas, and bling!! I'm a cardmaker too living in the U.S.


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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