
Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Happy Wed Well here's my space all pulled back and labeled up for you all to see and I've finally found a little time last week to create some digital stamps it's been to long and I love Halloween so this is a little sneak peak for you all to see a couple I made for my little store Limited Runs I'm planning on adding them all in on Friday this week.

So here's the close up of my desk I love the Potted Plant Zombie Hand so kewl and that would be his gardener I plan on making a few more zombie plants but this one is the 1st and I used my hand as a reference when drawing this morphing it into what it has become ( my hand is not that big lol)

So we have a winner from last weeks comments for my little mini bling giveaway and the lucky winner is # 18 who is .... Angela Radford please send me your snail mail and I'll pop it off in the post to you 

thanks for looking and I'll try my best to visit as many people as I can 
hugs Nikki 


  1. I am always impressed by your tidy desk; I guess when you do a lot of digital work you need less "stuff"!! your latest zombie drawings look fab. Helen 2

  2. I here by dubb you, Her Royal Tidiness!
    Robyn 6

  3. Lovely tidy desk. But I've just realized that you do alot of digital work and that does not involve mess.
    I love you little zombie. Clever.
    Have a good week,

  4. Yes, that hand is great - what a brilliant idea. Love your desk, but then I always do. So full of nooks and crannies (cubby holes) which I find fascinating.
    Hugs, Neet 18 xx

  5. Ha! Those images made me smile this morning, I love the weird plant a lot :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 5 xxx

  6. nice neat desk; great images
    happy woyww
    Charlie #24

  7. Love your neat desk, my oh my how many markers have you got.
    Bridget #1

  8. I used to have a space that looked nice and neat like your desk. I just don't know what happened! I must be getting too old!
    Glenda #31

  9. What a great space. Great storage. Take care Zo xx 30

  10. Looks like you have some great ideas for Halloween and I always love having a peak at your perfectly organised desk.
    sandra de @33

  11. I do wish that I could organise my desk as tidily as yours, but maybe that is something to aim for ...

    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #39

  12. Oh my, you really are good at making time for other things, so admirable! Bet those stamps are a hit..the potted hand makes me smile!!

  13. Digital requires a tidy mind and your area is so nice and ready for work. I cannot imagine not diving into piles of stuff to find a stamp etc. I love what your are creating so fun and unique.
    Monica #43

  14. Hey! Your desk is all back together now and looking nice. I love that you have so much right on hand. Since I have emptied my desk my plan is to put the things I use most right there! (and purge the stuff I haven't used in eons). Love the zombie digitals. H'ween is my favorite. Hubby and I love to decorate. Judy #49

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Love how you label your photos on your desk for us - I'm nosy enough to want to know what stash is where :) Like Judy I think it is great that you have everything to hand - I should be more organised too. Love your digi stamps, especially the potted hand :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #37

  17. Just Reposting Angela's comment minus her home addy

    Lovely tidy desk as usual Nikki and love the plant. Surprised to see I had won the giveaway, thank you. My snail mail is

  18. What a wonderful desk! Love the images you are working on!


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget