
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

WOYWW + Candy #2 & Winner

HAPPY WOYWW here's my space this week 
I'm painting an old frame to become a bathroom mirror. The frame is old and lovely but the dark colour it was before was painted on to dark. It only has one coat of paint so it's looking pretty
F-UGLY at the moment up close, a couple more layers and a little sanding it should look what I'm hoping for in my head I hope.
It seems I've been going a little crazy on the pink these days as it's the only colour  I seem to be using on my desk humm not sure how I feel about only pink , does it go with my dark desk lol 
I also just signed up for a pocket letter swap Here   last day to join is  22nd -No theme but who ever I get is getting a Pink themed one it's just what's going on at the moment it seems.
Hope they like it when done I've got a few more pockets to make up then put the little gifts behind everything and pop it in the post.
Winner of this Pile above of Pink PINK Pepto Bismol :P Candy is NEET !!!
Send me your Snail mail and I'll pop this into the post for you :) 

CANDY #2 (picture not shown)
Don't worry if you didn't win
I have one more Candy to give away too !!!
1. Please be a follower (via - bloglovin,google,email) just let me know which
& Leave a comment
2. Ends Next WOYWW post 
Tough rules  lol

So that's all 
Hugs Nikki 


  1. Hi Nikki doing some pre WOYWW hopping as cant do it later... yes that is very pink most definitely, great variety otherwise..
    ... fame looks good from this angle and all sure it will be great when done.

    Mm am on hold for (it says 1 hour and twenty minutes.. well that's Qantas service for you, or not..

    happy WOYWW. Shaz in O.x
    # no number yet, and wont have time to WOYWW later till weekend.

  2. Congratulations to the winner.
    And thank you Nikki for another chance to win.
    Valerija xx

  3. I'm your follower with google friend connect.

  4. Waiting to se how youre frame and your PL turned up, I love pink to and I see your PL allready looking good ;)
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  5. Oh cor blimey! It is me! I have won. Thank you so much Nikki. Just came on here early to comment and there I am name in lights! Thank you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  6. ooh my, bit pink for me! well done Neet on her win. Good luck with the mirror. Helen #2

  7. I hope you show us the finished bathroom mirror when its done.
    Happy woyww jill #4

  8. Hi Nikki, well done with your win. You really are going pink this week. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 15

  9. Good morning Nikki
    Hope the mirror works out for you. Funny you should mention pink, I pulled a pink beaded necklace apart yesterday that someone had given me to recycle.
    Lynn #11

  10. I love pocket letters and run a few on a postcard club cant wait to see yours finished and what you receive
    Bridget #1

  11. Fabulous job, Nikki. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us, and please join us again soon.
    Really Reasonable Ribbon

  12. Oh, it's all right to have a pink phase, I do occasionally and I'm the most un-girly girl in the world!! Love that mirror, you're doing a good job :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  13. Congratulations to Neet on winning your candy. I look forward to seeing how the mirror looks when you've finished. Now is it going to be pink! Barbxx

  14. Nothing wrong with a bit of pink Nikki, though its not a colour I wear much. Hope the F-ugly mirror turns out the way you want LOL. Happy WOYWW Cindy #29

  15. Fab pic of your space. Take care Zo xx 39

  16. I'm not much of a 'pink person' but I, too, have phases that I use that color a lot... your post/photos might just have triggered that as I now feel the urge to use pink on my pages, ha! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #41

  17. Hello Nikki thanks for the chance to win! Just love your frame too and I know how hard you and your dh have been working on the house it is so beautiful too. Yes I also have found it always hard to work with pink also thanks for the link to the pocket pal swap I will be sure to sign up. Hugs~Anne

  18. your desk is great. mine always in in the mess and I have big desk.
    thank oyu for the chance
    have a great day

    Bad Kitty's Craftroom

  19. Can't wait to see the frame finished! Bet it will look great

  20. Hi Nikki,

    I will be putting out my pink Christmas card every year with my little pink tree! Isn't it funny how we get stuck on a color. Mine is a shade of blue. I've been migrating to that in my living room. I have until I retire to get things done around the condo to get it ready to sell. That's one thing that inspired me to really think about what I want to do in my spare time.

    Congratulations to your candy winner. I might put some candy up on my blog; that would be a good way to slim down my supplies. I'm also going to be selling on eBay, using the flat rate boxes.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay

    PS Thanks for always visiting!!!

  21. What a nice desk, it looks like a wonderful creative space.

    Well, I thought I'd started following you a while back, but apparently not--am now, blog following.

    (So, the buntings--I'm keeping the seasonal ones to hang at the proper times, giving away one of the extra Valentine's Day buntings, and will be using the baby ones at showers that are coming up this year. The bonus is I design for an online business, so they double as design team projects!)

    Happy woyww, Nikki!
    #56 this week

  22. Oh that mirror frame is going to be lovely. Is it going to be pink? lol.
    I love the idea of a pocketletter. One of my resolutions is to make ATCs, and I should add: try to get hold of those transparent pockets. I have not seen them anywhere so I'm going to look on the internet to see if I can get them in this country. Then I'd love to do that too. (in due time)
    Ah, more candy to be won. I follow you on Google+ and on Google Friend Connect and through Bloglovin.
    Have a good week,

  23. Congratulations to the winner!
    I like pocket letters. I did 3 one time. They are fun to make and get. Pink is a wonderful color. I have it at the top of my favorites. Thank you for a chance to win. I am a follower.Have a nice day Nikki. Edwina Brown

  24. if pink is what makes your creative juices flowing just go with it don't fight it i would say. Vicky#66

  25. Hi Nikki, I look forward to seeing your mirror when it's ready! The pocket letter swap sounds exciting - it's the mystery element that makes it so! Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a great Sunday! zsuzsa #47


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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