
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

WOYWW + Winner

Happy WOYWW!!! Here is my space today I've been playing with my H20 Paints a little which I just love the shimmer of them and am starting on a pocket letter for my sister she wants to do a swap which is easier for us seeing no letter has to be sent. So far I've just cut out some bg papers and that's as far along as I am I have coloured a few images and trying to see if I like it I'm not even sure what type it will be as you can tell this is not a planned PL more like humm let's see if that works. I've been looking on Pinterest for ideas which becomes over load of ideas and then I look back at my blank canvas with a blank stare lol It will come together that I'm sure of it just have to figure out what I want. Tossed between something winter like or something floral is what I'm torn between

I was asked about the little boxes on the lower shelf
I made them out of Oatmeal boxes and wrapped them in kraft paper
the Insert drawers are just a piece of heavy cardstock folded to fit inside and I decorated the fronts with kraft paper and stamps. The black boxes I picked up at my local dollar store along time ago

This week's PINK PINK Candy Winner is SHARON 
please send me your snail mail so I can pop this in the post to you if I don't hear from you by next WOYWW post then I'll pick a new winner (link in side bar)

Here's what Sharon Won !!

Sorry if you didn't win this week I'm sure to have another candy later on at some time :)
thanks for popping in and I'll try my best to visit you all
The Mirror frame I was working on has been neglected this week so there's not to much to show on that so far. I'll take a picture when it's done

hugs Nikki


  1. Congratulations to Sharon!
    I have no idea what a pocket letter is - I must look it up on Google. Enjoy yourself with it though. Hope we gt to see it when it is finished.
    Love altering boxes, remember me altering those Felix cat food boxes? I still have a couple left to do but as there are no cats next door now I don't buy the food any more.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. No, I've not heard of pocket letters either... need to know more! Have a good week. Helen #1

  3. Nikki sent me a little pocket letter, and I got it this week.It is PRECIOUS!! See my blog for a photo!I love the delicate little Mermaid drawing on the front especially!
    Thank you Nikki!
    Lucky Sharon.She'll love her little letter.

  4. haha you are supposed to put a letter in one of the pockets, thats why its called a pocket letter. I am in the middle of doing some too, mine are themed. Tea them and letter themed
    Bridget #4

  5. Ah it's great to recycle boxes well done, NikkiI've done that too, but shall confess have not covered them in a pretty fashion, rather basic I am :) a big congrats to Sharon too. :)
    Happy WOYWW, nice to be back in Deskland again, thanks for popping over already, too!
    Shaz in Oz.x #15

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  6. A lovely tidy workspace - good luck with you pocket letter. Linda #20

  7. Lol, I have the same prblem att the moment, just starring at my PL and thinking hmmm I must start and stare some more, and then I go and colore a digi :D
    Thanks for the explanantion of the shelfs, they look great!!
    Congrat to the winner ;)
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  8. Those little drawers you made are brilliant! Clever recycling of cereal boxes - they look great!
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xx

  9. A pocket letter... do I need to know what this is? Will it get the mojo working again? I will check it out and see what it is about! Love your little kraft drawers, your desk is so neat and organised. Happy Wednesday to you! Annette #31

  10. Your desk looks very organised. I read on a blog somewhere about pocket letters. Intereting idea.

  11. Congratulations to Sharon! Have fun making the pocket letter for your sister. What a fun idea that sounds. Your desk does look so tidy. Barbxx

  12. all my crafting is unplanned..I like to call it spontaneous! Unless I'm given a specific product, I don't know what I'm doing or using until I sit down to do it! Probably why I don't get so much done!
    Your giveaways are so generous, I'm sure Sharon will be thrilled. I'm off to read about pocket sounds fun!

  13. I know how it goes, Nikki, we get overloaded with inspiration and are still stuck for ideas. Just wait it out, it will come! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #38

  14. Hi Nikki, so understand about Pinterest. I can lose hours there. I started with about 4 boards for inspiration. The last time I looked, I had 84! I had to start splitting them down to about 200 pins per board, as I knew I'd never look any further than that. I can still count on the fingers of one hand how many cards I've made inspired by pins, lol.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #8 xxx

  15. I love the idea of a pocket letter. One of my new year's resolutions is making ATCs and find those 'pockets' on the internet. Then I'll be ready to go.
    Clever you to make storage out of cereal boxes. Good idea!
    Thanks for visiting earlier,
    Have a good week,

  16. I love looking on pinterest. There are some great ideas on there! A pocket letter sounds like fun.

    I was reading your post and read Sharon - clicked on it and it takes me to my blog! Must mean it's me! You made my day. Can't remember the last time I won something lol.

    Happy WOYWW

    Sharon K #49

  17. Love H20s but they seemed to have lost popularity then all of a sudden I've seen lots of people getting them out again.
    I love looking on Pinterest too but if I'm not careful I can spend too much time looking when I should be making Lol! Happy crafty WOYWW, Angela x 29

  18. Love that Valentines owl! Have a good week. Sandy Leigh #39

  19. I'm sure that she'll love the letter - don't stress. Send something sweet and personal (or ask her to choose a theme, they seem to be popular with PL swappers!)

    Clair @ Obstinate Pursuit
    WOYWW #13

  20. I just recently purchased some H2Os and haven't had a chance to use them on anything yet. Luv your desk, everything so close at hand.

    Enjoy, Pat #61

  21. Cute, cute stuff. I just made some pocket letters too. Peg 63

  22. I totally understand about Pinterest being too overwhelming on the idea front! Maybe you could do a transition from winter into spring? That would cover both areas. Good luck whatever you decide!

  23. Nikki - you added a link yo my Candy Linky - but it went haywire and closed itself down - would you like to enter again?

  24. Congratulations, Sharon! Lovely pink stuff to play with.

    I've been wanting to play with Pocket Letters. Have not swapped yet so let me know if you or your sister would like a swap partner. Creative Blessings! Kelly #43


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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