
Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Happy WOYWW !!!

Now Here's why you've come to visit my little desk I'm in colouring may ham with all the ATC's  I hope to get done in time plus I plan on mailing a bunch out to Julia again for those lucky to be close to go to the crop and I'm willing to swap with those that would like to swap with me
I have more pages to fit in my little book there.
You can see Julia's quirky bird blocking off my girl's face but she be shown all done soon enough 

I was looking through the ATC to get inspiration even though I already have one made.  I altered the backs up so far of 18 ATC cards now I'm just working on the front side of everything I am trying to do to them a little different each one and there might be a few variations but so far 9 will be close to each other last year's ATC's are HERE  I did a zombie and not a zombie version

this is my space at the moment 
happy Wed and I'll be popping around to as many people as I can
seeing the weather isn't that sunny and it is actually cold outside I don't see any gardening 
soon perhaps a good cuppa tea or coffee and a book to read is in order :)
Opps no wait ATC making with a good cuppa !!
Hugs Nikki 


  1. Hello Nikki looks like great fun you are having coloring all the new images you have printed out. Love your binder that holds all your cards and pocket letters. Have a great week Hugs ~Anne L

  2. You're further ahead than me with the anniversary atc, at this rate I'll be lucky to get one made!! Great desk as always. (sorry I messed up the scheduling of my post but it's there now!) Helen #1

  3. I'm loving that colouring in.. beautiful images. Good luck with your ATC's Elaine no. 11

  4. Thank you for offering the ATC backing sheet, that'll be really useful if I ever get around to making any! Must get cracking......
    Hugs, LLJ 16 xx

  5. Maybe it's about time I started making ATCs again. I used to make a lot! We'll see! It would be nice to have one to exchange with all the "regulars" and have a memento of each one!!! patsy

  6. Hi Nikki, thanks for the visit to mine. I have only got as far as thinking ATCs at the moment. The blue thing on my blog is made with a polystyrene ball and Powertex. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 21

  7. Hi Nikki. A lovely busy desk this morning - great colouring. Hope by now you have a great cup of something warm, have updated you ATCs, and are now relaxing with that book. When I posted this morning it was pouring with rain - now it's bright and sunny as though the rain had never happened!! Will I garden? Don't know yet...
    Thanks for the visit. We thought the butterfly was pretty special, too. Managed to get up quite close so he almost filled the frame! We "inherited" the garden with the grass, plants, shrubs, etc., when we moved here four years ago. Didn't realise QUITE how large it was - and I'm very much a fine weather gardener... consequently, I "garden with a light touch" ie., don't do much!!!!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  8. I love what you're working on Nikki and would love to swap ATCs with you again....I've emailed you :-)
    Have a great week.
    Annie x #10

  9. Never made ATcs myself, maybe should try it for the swap.van't wait to see your portret and the coloring is fab.Thanks for your visit earlier, Vicky#6

  10. As always busy bee, I'm interested on that but not understanidng exaktly what :D I have donn only one ATC but it is more like a tag and 3D but would like to do more..
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  11. What a fun peek at your desk today. Lovely ATC's and that colored stamp is fabulous. Happy WOYWW. Susanne #38

  12. Those look great! I haven't made ATCs before but am willing to give them a try. They always look so interesting and beautiful.

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #46

  13. What a lovely busy desk. I'm doing my ATCs as well. I'm enjoying doing them.
    I like your coloured images (stamped images). You are very good at that.
    Thank you for visiting,
    Happy WOYWW,
    Have a good week too,

  14. I've not made any ATC. Wasn't sure if it's my thing. But now that I've seen your template I might give it a try. Thanks!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #36

  15. We aren't having a Crop this part of the year,dates were all up in the air and now it's just too tiring. However, I'll happily give em out when we do finally crop - my surgery is scheduled for end May, so we might crop later in the year! I have made a start on mine too, and just the same, spent some time actually, looking at all the ones I've already been given, As always though, mine will be simpler than most of yours! Lovely colouring on your desk - your skills are amazing!

  16. Hey Nikki, love how you are cracking on with the ATCs and using previous ones as inspiration...I have finished your letter. Going into the post on Friday when I hit the post office..WHOOP WHOOP. Cx #50

  17. Looks like you are very busy and very organised too

  18. Note to self: must make a start on the birthday cards I owe and then on the WOYWW atc's. Loved that shot of your desk showing the atc collection page and the work in progress. Enjoy!
    Thanks for visiting me earlier - Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  19. Ohh Nikki you are so organised. i have done nothing since making my printed sheets last week. Must get onto the job this weekend. So much to do and so little time.
    sandra de @31

  20. Hopelessly late at visiting again this week - busy with Ben, curtains and lunch out with Sister in law - all good fun! I think I spy a little dumfling in those ATCs! Hope we can swap again this time. x Jo

  21. It looks like you've been keeping yourself busy in your studio/craftroom. Bad weather days are a great excuse to spend a little extra time in there. Blessings!

  22. HI Nikki, that's an intriguing glimpse of your beautiful girl, look forward to seeing her soon! I have a folder like that for pocket letters and ATCs, I love lookign through them from time to time - and I have one of yours from last year in there! Would love to swap again if you would like to - best get starting on making them I guess :o) Annie C #35

  23. Oh wow really loving those images and your colouring is amazing. I can't wait for the swap, I have started as well. How clever to make ATC backings, I would love to be emailed the sheet, you really are clever. I just get by with doing blogging, I wish I could redo my blog but I am no good at that type of thing. OK my partner says it's because I would prefer to be all painty rather then trying to work out how to do it which I guess it's true. I work in accounts and spend all my time on excel sheets so I find that I step away from the computer. You always make the woyww symbol awesome every year, you are so clever and you always share with us all, we are so lucky. Sorry I am late again this week. Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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