
Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Happy WOYWW !!!

Now Here's why you've come to visit my little desk I'm in colouring may ham with all the ATC's  I hope to get done in time plus I plan on mailing a bunch out to Julia again for those lucky to be close to go to the crop and I'm willing to swap with those that would like to swap with me
I have more pages to fit in my little book there.
You can see Julia's quirky bird blocking off my girl's face but she be shown all done soon enough 

I was looking through the ATC to get inspiration even though I already have one made.  I altered the backs up so far of 18 ATC cards now I'm just working on the front side of everything I am trying to do to them a little different each one and there might be a few variations but so far 9 will be close to each other last year's ATC's are HERE  I did a zombie and not a zombie version

this is my space at the moment 
happy Wed and I'll be popping around to as many people as I can
seeing the weather isn't that sunny and it is actually cold outside I don't see any gardening 
soon perhaps a good cuppa tea or coffee and a book to read is in order :)
Opps no wait ATC making with a good cuppa !!
Hugs Nikki 

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Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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