
Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Missed last week so just a little FYI the winner of my Gorilla is in the sidebar it's been claimed and he's flying his way to Australia.

So Here's my Space this week I've been still making ATC been colour up Chris Ryniak's Morning Scribbles too Cute they are I want a page of them made up it seems and a few C cards too out of him.
My new Tri- colour Pencils you can see that each one has 3 colours in them just started playing with them and having fun with how they shade an image quickly 
Was asked about my scrap box it's 14 cm by 24 cm Approx so it's not that big but holds a lot 
 Here is what is in it all labeled up Missing it the picture is a note pad and a post it package.
I don't have a lot of scraps seeing I reach for this 1st and if I find I haven't used the paper in a while then I recycle it. the advantage of keeping it contained I guess.

Sorry if I didn't get back to you all I couldn't handle the heat
WAY TO HOT these days 

hugs Nikki


  1. what a very organised scrap box! good on you, and for using it too! those tri-colour pencils look great fun, I've not seen them before. You do such great colouring though, I bet you are finding them really useful. Helen #1

  2. How interesting tri-colour pencils, not heard or seen them before but they sound intriguing. Your desk looks creatively busy and those morning scribbles so cute.
    Thanks for sharing WOYWW have a super creative week.
    Tracey #2

  3. I've never heard of those pencils before, but I can see how helpful they would be for shading. I am really impressed with your scrap box.

    I don't know if it's blogger or my internet, but I had a hard time getting your blog to load. Happy WOYWW from #4.

  4. Morning Nikki. goodness - what an organised scrap box! That's amazing. Note to self - get sorting yours, girl!!! Those pencils look fun - not sure how they work, but sounds good.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  5. LOVE those little monsters and your amazing colouring!! I can't handle the heat either but it's cooling a bit in the UK, thank goodness.
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  6. That is such a well organised scrap box Nikki - mine is a bit better since I went through it and I do grab for it first these days so it's not getting bigger by the day any more. Congratulations to Joanne for winning that amazing gorilla. Those pencils look intriguing. Love the cute ATCs. Sarah #14

  7. A well organised scrap box (I have a couple of drawers for mine and try to remember to use some - lol!). Love the ATCs. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day - Hazel, WOYWW 17 x

  8. Those tri pencils, really really nice! Might have to splurge :) .
    Wow that's quite a scrapbox
    I need to start reaching for my scraps too because I'm just filling the box too quickly.
    Ellie #22

  9. Hi Nikki, love the effect from the pencils, what a great idea. Great ATC's too- smashing characters. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  10. Those little monsters are adorable! Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#17)

  11. Hi Nikki, great scrap box- another idea for me to adopt. I love this blog! The tri colour pencils look fun, and your little monsters are great. I want them, they would be great on the grandchildren's birthday cards! Have a lovely week Heather x #12

  12. I’m with Heather, your scrapbox is filled with great’s like learning the secrets! Brilliant and of course, very disciplined in the care and use. Love those pencils..are they easier to use I wonder? Bet you make it look easy!!

  13. Hi Heather, I love those cute monsters you've been colouring, and that fabulous box of pencils. They are going to make lovely cards. Your scrap box is incredibly well organised. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #29

  14. Oh My! what gorgeous pieces. The monster cards are wonderfull. Have a lovely woyww, Angela x13x

  15. Your scrap box sure is organized! I love those little images that you're coloring. Too cute! Have a great week. Dorlene #34

  16. I am so with you on the heat, Nikki. Fall can come any time! I'd be happy for the temps to cool enough I could get out and clean up the garden. Great way to contain your scraps and keep them to a minimum. I have mostly SU DSP and some stacks. I keep a 8.5" x 11" page protector with each one and that's what my scraps go in when I cut into something. I always reach for scraps first. Same with my cardstocks.
    Creative Blessings! Kelly #31


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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