
Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Happy WOYWW here's my space this week Been working on Christmas cards YEP I said it !!!! made 10 of them to add into the growing pile.
So here's a close up of what I'm doing you can see one of my funky cards and some of my new atc have arrived in from a group I swap with on Facebook there is over 5000 swappers so someone is always around to take a card or two off your hands.

Hugs Nikki


  1. Well I applaud you for getting them done.. but can't do Christmas cards in the heat! in fact I haven't done anything! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. Well done on Christmas cards! I've not done a single one! Great desk! Anne x #3

  3. Well done on Christmas cards! I've not done a single one! Great desk! Anne x #3

  4. Good for you - Christmas cards - hope some are with characters of yours - I do like to see them.
    Loving your atc's, especially the big eyes of the little cuties and the face with the necker on. You draw amazing stuff.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  5. Well done on those Christmas Cards Nikki, i'm still at the mind planning stage with mine.
    Fab ATC's I used to swap mine but have not done so for a while now.
    Thanks for sharing & Happy WOYWW Tracey #7

  6. Well done for getting started Nikki, but I don't even think about CHristmas until late September. Nice ATCs! Sarah #16

  7. Love what you've been doing. Well done on the batch of Christmas cards - I make them all year round for my CHNC challenge blog. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day - Hazel, WOYWW #18 x

  8. Hi Nikki, the group I'm in does Christmas cards every fortnight, so I'm getting a stack together gradually. Love the ATC's. Fab. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 XxX

  9. Woah! You're getting it done! Way impressive girly, and I hope you feel extremely pleased with yourself - I would! Nearly fainted when you said 5000 members in the ATC swap group...I envision having to make a lot of ATCs all at once! Horror! Still, then I read on and it all makes sense!! Is that a big iced coffee on your desk? How delicious!

  10. Hi Nikki, I want to start my Christmas cards but it's just not happened yet so well done you! Have a great creative week and happy woyww, Angela x12x

  11. Great desk and I have that same OTT light! Had it for years!
    Cool that you're getting your Christmas cards done. I'm working on my Christmas card class for Aug.
    As too 5000 swappers, holy cow!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #24

  12. I never even think about Christmas until October! Well done you for getting some done. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#31)

  13. Nice busy desk! And lots of cool funky ATCs! What could be better? Have a great week, Lindart #29

  14. Lovely stuff on your desk, Nikki! Five thousand swappers - the world must be a happier place for that. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #21

  15. Great looking space and ATCs! You can never start Christmas cards too early! #37


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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