
Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Well it seems I'm just making ATCs these days I have started a huge painting to create but so far I've painted the white bg and stopped seeing I have no idea what to paint not a clue lol
I thought I'd try and make some ACEO's and see if they might sell on Ebay ? Maybe I'm not sure if I'm ready to part with these yet but here is my space for this week
So here they are up closer they are Ink and Watercolour
Think I should try my luck and see if anyone would buy them ?
Here's what was on my space last week seeing I forgot to post this 
So ATCs are so much easier you can paint anything small so at the moment Monsters in watercolour and will add in some ink after to add in smaller details 

 thanks for looking 
hugs Nikki


  1. oh yes, I am sure they would sell, they are fab! but what are ACEO's? (it is early, my brain isn't working yet!) have a great week. Helen #1

  2. thanks for explaining. your first comment disappeared into the ether!

  3. Happy WOYWW. Fantastic little pieces of art. I particularly love the rhino. Ali x #7

  4. They would definitely sell Nikki especially if they are one off's. I am having the reverse effect creatively as I used to create ATC's all the time then went from ATC to size A3. I'm now finding it difficult to condense it all down from A3 to ATC. It's very frustrating.
    Beautiful artwork, thank you for sharing WOYWW.
    Tracey #3

  5. Morning Nikki, those ATCs are gorgeous, very talented art work. Well done.
    Chris #9

  6. Great ATC's I love making ATC's as well Love the challenge of getting something on a space that small,

    happy WOYWDW Lilian B #13

  7. Well, if you don't try then you'll never know! I think the little paintings are very cute :-D
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  8. I would try Nikki and see how it goes. They are beautiful! How about an under the sea piece for your large project? Have a great week. Sarah #19

  9. Hi Nikki, I too wondered what ACOE's were, so glad Helen asked! Yes, I think they will sell, there are lots of lovely little frames they could be put in, as wall art.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  10. Oh they're exquisite with their ultra-fine details! I'm sure they'd sell.
    A very happy WOYWW to you!
    Claire no.6

  11. Love your ACEO's and I would think they will sell but why not test the water with just a few to begin with - you are very talented with your painting - do some different ones too, like the little orange bird atc you sent me, that was so cute. If not put them aside and use to give to people as birthday/Christmas gifts.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  12. Your painting is lovely , so talented. Bit worried about how bored the bears on the shelf look! Karen 26

  13. Neat desk and fabulous ATCs. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day - Hazel, WOYWW #15 x

  14. These are so gorgeous and I am sure they will sell! Try Etsy though, there is a better market for illustrations :) Happy WOYWW xox Cheetarah #30

  15. Hi Nikki, your artist's cards are beautiful, love watercolours, and I'm sure they will sell well. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #31

  16. Hi Nikki, lovely cards, I'm sure they would sell! Your artwork is amazing. Have a lovely week Heather x #34

  17. I would definitely try and if you don't have much luck on eBay try Etsy or Folksy. I love your ACEO's - especially loving the little monsters.

    Carmen x #35

  18. So pleased Helen asked what the ACEOs are as I hadn't heard that term before. They are lovely and should sell well. Have a great woyww and a lovely crafty week, Angela x17x


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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