If you see any of my creations and would like one made or if I still have it in my stock. I'd be happy to sell it and am available for commission anytime. My Email is in the sidebar.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Well my space has been changed this week seeing the DH choose to take out a couple stain glass windows in our house that I had planned on repairing well that's what I've been doing changed out the border glass from a Pinky purple to a nice antique yellow which looks 100 times better and none of that horrible paint job the last people who owned this place did where you painting blind I ask they have invented this thing called painters tape ??? . Shame I just found out the yellow antique glass is getting harder and harder to get in Canada seeing it comes from England shipping is making it expensive perhaps I'll check out a few other stores and see if they are still getting it in might just be this one only.
 Redone one and the next one to be done what a big difference it has now just looks so much better with the yellow.

So this is my space for this week 
Where did everything go it's all jammed up on my shelf and beside my desk on my trunk 
this is not a clean job to do and I have my trusty shop vac beside me seeing it can be so messy

Happy WOYWW 
Hugs Nikki
I'll visit as many people as I can 

I still have ATC to trade leave a message and I send you one out


  1. def looks better with the yellow, how clever you are to be able to change it yourself
    thanks for sharing
    happy woyww have a great week
    Mrs. C.x #2

  2. This is so cool Nikki - very clever of you to replace the glass. I love the yellow. I laughed at your comment about the previous owners painting blind. In my house in London the previous owner must have been colour blind..orange living room, navy blue bedroom and a baby mouse pink kitchen - I kid you not BABY MOUSE PINK!! Cx #6

  3. What a clever Nikki you are!! Love the window with the yellow glass. the home I grew up in had a lovely stained glass oval window in the front door, it was so pretty!Hope you find enough yellow glass to do the rest you need. Helen #5

  4. You've done a wonderful job on the window. I'd like to see a picture of them when they are back in place.
    We bought an old front door with stain glass in and had a piece made for a small side window. Much better than the standard upvc things everyone has.
    Lynn 16

  5. The yellow is a huge improvement. It makes me happy just looking at it. Well done on doing this yourself! #18

  6. I agree - the yellow is MUCH better with the existing centres. Funny, I'm sure I have a couple of windows like that in storage back in the USA :) Looking forward to seeing them in place! Preferably with the sun streaming thru...

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (3)

  7. Wow, who'd have thought the yellow would be such a massive improvement, love it, and your foresight. And your skill...this is no easy job gal, my DH does a bit of it so I know about the cutting and the measuring! You culd purchase what you need and have it shipped to me for safe keeping and I can send it on as you need it if supplies are running out?

  8. What a clever girl you are Nikki.
    It looks amazing. We have lots of old housing where I live so there are many of them with this type of window and they are gorgeous.
    Thanks for the visit to mine.
    Have a lovely woyww, Angela x 30

  9. What an amazing talent you have! These are simply beautiful!
    Glenda #33

  10. This is amazing talent
    Happy WOYWW hugs

    Peggy #46

  11. I LOVE those windows, it reminds me of my grandma's house that had a lot of little similar windows (in the Netherlands there are quite some older houses still having these windows.) Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #38

  12. The yellow glass does look much better...and no more nasty messy painty edges! So awesome you can do this yourself. My mom used to do stained glass years ago..but I never learned :( Shel@PaperOctilloStudio #54

  13. So agree with everone yellow rules

    Happy woyww
    pat #12

  14. Wow! I'm very impressed with you being able to do that yourself, lovely job too, it looks way better! :o) Sorry I am so late to the party this week, have a fab weekend x Annie C #65


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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